Bionic Fight Part 2

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(A/N: YAY 100+ reads. :) Anyway enjoy this chapter.)

Jack's POV

While Milton is so concentrated on busting the Davenports, I am here thing about Logan. We can be related, no doubt about that. My parents couldn't hide something this big, could they? If they did, they can hide anything.

"Milton I'm gonna go, I need to talk to my parents about something important." I said getting my things, also planning what to say to my parents. Kim said she was going to leave because it was getting 'late'. It was only 2.

"Before you two leave, I need to say that please keep your phones by you so I can tell you what I find." Milton just, I can't even.

Kim answered for us, "don't have to tell us twice."

I raced out the door with Kim right behind me. She didn't even bother to talk to me for some reason. For now I do not care, I have bigger problems. So when I get home I'll just introduce them to the problem. It better go well. When I got to my house it was just like another day. Mom was in the kitchen, I go where ever then come back. Except the differences was dad just came from work. I think he said it was like a half day or something.

"Mom, dad, there is a serious topic I need to talk about." There I said it! they both turned to me, then we sat at the dining table ready to talk.

"Is it about..." Mom and dad started off.

"NOOOOO! It's not that, I promise." I shook my hands in the air. I am not ready for that yet, at all! "I'm talking about another me."

They both exchanged puzzled looks. "Another you?"

They are unbelievable, "I'M TALKING ABOUT LOGAN!" When I said that it's like it lighting stuck their bodies leaving them immoble. Mom's eyes widen in fear. As if saying how did he find out.

"Logan is here in seaford?" Mom asked as if she hadn't seen him in years.

"Yes Logan is here in seaford! My point is... How come you never told me I had a twin brother! WHY DID YOU LIE!" I felt a knot being made in my throat. The air was getting really hot by the minute.

Dad stood up with a stern look, while mom was in dad"s arms sobbing. "HOW DARE YOU TALK TO YOUR MOTHER LIKE THAT!"

"AND HOW DARE YOU HIDE ME THE TRUTH! HOW COME YOU NEVER TOLD ME ABOUT LOGAN!?" My hands slammed the table, I took heavy uneven breaths.

"We thought you'd never find out!" Mom was trembling still in dad's arms.

"Is he even my real dad!?" How long were they going to hide this. She shook her head saying no. My life has been a lie.

"You know what, forget it. This was a bad idea." I disappointingly get up walking to the door.

"Where are you going?" Dad asked, he isn't even my real dad so what should I call him?

I coldly said, "I"m going to find Logan." By the look on mom's face, she missed Logan. Then why didn't she look for him? What is holding her back.

There is a hallway that leads to the door. I hide in the hallway hearing the last thing mom says. "Where did I go wrong?" If I was still there I'd say everything, but I'm not going to make things worst.

Chase's POV

We're developing a plan to get out of here. What dad/uncle abducts there children to force them to live with them? Oh yeah, Douglas does. Another thing is, why didn't he make this bionic proof? He must be really dumb, we can easly escape this place.

We sat in a circle on the floor. Everyone was enclosing on me since I had the plan. We have to out smart them, yes it's possible, for me.

"This plan better work." Brody warned.

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