Wait, What?

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~Few Days Later~

Leo's POV


We were in the living with nothing to do! Adam was complaining just like me, Chase was trying to have more paitence and Bree was waiting for anyone to text her.

"Ugh! I'm so bored!" Adam said once more. I was sitting next to him, Chase was on the floor and Bree was lying on the other couch. That explains why Chase is on the floor.

"Hey, why don't you tell me about your childhood. You guys barely tell me that stuff!" I say.

Bree sat up leaving her phone. "I mean what choice do we have."

"Oh I want to start! It's one thing I remember from our childhood!" Adam starts telling the story.

Little Adam who was 5, was playing with Bree. Then baby Chase walked over to them to show them his new ability that he discovered. Adam kept throwing things at it. Bree asked what it was.

Chase, since he was only 3 couldn't say some words right. "It a fo'ce fie'd. So cool."

Then Adam gets super excited and glitches. His lasers hit Chase's force field...

"Wait, why are you talking in third person?" Bree asked.

"And why do you guys question a lot? Anyway let me continue!" Adam protested.

The laser was too strong for baby Chase and...

Chase interrupted, "technically I was a toddler."

Bree hits the back of Chase's head. "whatever!"

The force field collapses, Adam's laser hits him, sending Chase a few feet back. He falls on the floor crying. Bree super speeds to Chase helping him up. Mr. Davenport comes charging in yelling at Adam.

Bree grabs Chase's hand leading him to his capsule. She closes the capsule door, then tugs on Adam's arm leading him to his capsule. Bree speeds into her capsules and Mr. Davenport keeps yelling. The last thing they hear is, "the silent treatment, four can play that game."

"What was the point of that story?" I ask crossing my arms.

"To prove that Chase has always been weak." Adam smiles while Chase rolls his eyes.

"Ok first that did not happen at all! And second let me tell the story of what happened."

Bree told Chase, "how do you remember? You were only three."

"Hello? Super genius. I'm like a computer." Chase bragged, flashing a smile.

Adam was five at the time, Bree was four and I was three. I had discovered my new ability a couple hours ago. When I showed Mr. Davenport He said, "it's a force field, It protects you from things."

I smiled because I finally had another ability. Since I was three I didn't know a lot of things that I know now. Also I couldn't talk well either. Mr. Davenport went upstairs leaving the lab.

I walked over to show Adam and Bree. Adam was attempting to draw and Bree was playing with her dolls.

"Wow you remember what I was doing!" Adam said in a surprised tone. I shook my head at that statement.

I activated my force field, which was in a shape of a sphere. Adam stopped 'drawing' and started throwing stuff at it. Bree just looked at the items bouce off of it. She also asks what it was.

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