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Cece's POV

Wow, Chase was a totally different person! From a nice person to a total jerk, I think he's bi-polar. What was up with him when he asked Bree bout commando mode. What is commando mode anyway?

"So what do you think is happening?" I said to Rocky. One step at a time I was walking to the door. Rocky extended her arm, stopping me from going outside.

"Cece let them have there bonding moment. They're brother and sister, this happens all the time."

Rocky was right but, they have been out there for too long. Even my bff bonding moments aren't that long. I walked out of the place looking for them. There they are!

"You know everyone is waiting. They’re curious of what is happening out here." I said expanding my arms out, then placed them on my hips.

"Oh we were just, well you know it's-" They abruptly stopped hugging. Their explanations  were useless. I can tell they felt awkward of the situation.

"Guys it's ok, but I've never seen a bonding this long." I was heading back to the place leaving them there. Pushing the door open a cute tall guy came up to me.

"Hey.. Cece right?" The tall guy said. I already forgot his name.

"Yeah that's my name." My face got pink then a little red.

"So what's up?"

Was he really talking to me! A cute guy talking to me!

"Nothing much I was just talking to your brother and sister."

"I was wondering if you wanted to go somewhere tomorrow?"

"Yeah ok that sounds cool...um" I was trying not to over react.


"Oh ok thanks." I smiled and he went outside looking for his siblings.

"Cece did he just ask you out?"

Rocky and I started to fan-girl. He asked me out! OH MY GOSH I'M SO HAPPY! Adam came back with Bree and Chase.

"Adam I forgot to ask at what time?"

"What's the number after four."

"Five?" Did he seriously not know how to count. Good thing is he's still cute.

 "Yeah that number. So around that time."

I still can't believe it. Adam he asked me out!

"Oh my gosh Rocky what am I going to do?" My eyes widen out as I faced Rocky.

"Ok what I would do is tell my mom, Then if she lets me, I'd go buy a cute outfit." Rocky had a good small explanation. She'll probably do that when Logan asks her out. They both think I don't know about this relationship. Someone has to be an idiot to not know that.

"Well we should go its already 7." Bree said dragging her brothers out of here.

"Bye Adam!" Before he left, I waved at him and he waved back.

 "Rocky I guess we should leave too." Now I started dragging her back to the hotel.

"Well Kim my group has to go. It was nice meeting you. Hope we can hang out more." Smiling as nicely as I could.

"Yeah it was nice meeting other girls of my age. Bye."

I waved good-bye with one hand and with the other grabbing Rocky's hand.


Rocky's POV

I said bye to Cece when we got to her hotel room. The thought keeps tormenting me. Why did I have to say yes on helping him dance! Maybe if I said no, the kiss would have never happened.

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