Trouble Love

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(A/N: yes I updated this at school)

Marcus's POV

"Where are we going?" Cece asked as we get out of the mall.

"You'll see." I say taking her hand.

It was quite a walk throught the forest. At times Cece would tightly grip my arm, fear of what could happen. When we finally got to a small pond I stopped.

The water was crystal clear with cattail plants at the edges. It was a small space surrounded by trees. Some of the sunlight can't reach the ground from all these trees, it's dim. The wild flowers are dispersed everywhere.

"What are we doing here?" Cece crouched down letting the water seep between her fingers.

I get down beside her also touching the water. "This is harder than I thought."

Cece turned to me, surprisingly our faces were really close. At least 5 inches apart. As she cups my face I feel her hands trembling. She is totally crushing on me. "You can tell me."

"I do not know what this feeling is. I think I fell in love with you, as in love at first sight." I blurt out looking at her straight in the eyes.

Her eyes gleam bright in the sun. Cece smiles getting closer, now there is only 3 inches of space space left between us. "Really? I thought you didn't or something!"

I take my right hand, stroking her hair lightly. "Of course not. You are a beautiful, unique, special girl."

Cece gives me a hug, resting her head on my chest. I kissed the top of her head. My hands slide down to her waist, Cece changes postions so we are facing each other at the same level.

"I don't know what to say." Cece said resting her arms on my shoulders.

"Just follow your heart." I say planting a kiss on her left cheek. She freezes for a second looking in the other direction. Cece is no longer looking at me.

I act sad of what I did. "Sorry about that you kno-"

Cece turns around, her face wasn't as close as it was before. "It's ok. I don't mind what you do."

I inched closer to her, "so you don't mind if I am this close."

"No, not at all."

"How about now?" Our faces were much closer, possibly an inch or two apart.

Her breathing was getting much heavier, "no."

I was leaning in, so was she. A noise startled her, she jumped and turned around. "What was that!?"

"Calm down its just a bird." I started laughing, then sudden pain takes over my head. Not as bad as before, but still considered pain.

The more I blinked, the more my vision got blurrier. I let go of Cece and collapse to the floor. "C-Cece I can't see you and... my body is numb."

Another symptom from my breakdown. I tried to get up or move, but I can't. I try not to blink a lot, Cece starts freaking out.

I can barely see her, yet I can hear her. "Marcus! What do I do!?"

"T-There is nothing you can do. We just have to wait." I want to cry my fear out. You can't Marcus, you're a robot. If I was human I'd be crying so much. Taking the pain away with tears.

"Marcus, it's ok. Cry." Cece trys to help me sit up. I try to move, but I can't feel my body, so I don't know if I amd moving. After moments of trying we both give up. I am still on the ground tired.

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