Just One Day

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~The Next Day~

One day til the competition

Kim's POV

I looked for my ticket on the small shelf I have in my room. The ticket was inside a book as a bookmark. I pick up the book, the ticket falls out. The title of the book is The Thin Line of Friendship.

I don't remember reading this. The book won't close correctly from the ticket. I close it reading the back cover.

When two best friends keep from each other a massive secret. Both are suspicious of each other. They deny it every time. Even their friends keep telling them whats wrong, but they ignore them.

Until one day they both find out what it is. What caused their friendship to be jeopardized?

Wow, sounds like that's my life right there.

I put the book back on the shelf and stuff my ticket between my phone and it's case. I put the phone in my back pocket. I go downstairs to watch TV since there is nothing else to do.

The channel it was on was Channel 4. Well there's nothing else to watch. Some stories were pretty boring until one caught my eye.

"Silvia Vences here in a report of crime scene."

The camera person moved the camera showing the place. It looked really scary.

"The people are believed were kept hostage here."

The place had two different cells and some super advanced computers. There were unusual marks on the floor.

"As you can see, there could have been and explosion right here where I'm standing. Authorities are trying to investigate what really happened here. That's all I have for you right now. Now back to Rick at the studio."

I check the time on my phone. Only ten minutes have passed. I check again on the channels looking if anything new has came on. Nope same programing.

Rocky's POV

I knock on Cece's door, she opens it.

"Cece I'm sorry I got mad at you."  I say abruptly with my head hung low.

"It's ok." Cece smiled giving me a hug. I smile then I see Marcus.

His arms were crossed, I noticed something that made me shiver. His eyes were just brown then turned bright green. He had an evil stare, as if ready to destroy me.

I pull apart from Cece, pointing at Marcus. "Um, what's he you know, doing here."

"Oh we're going somewhere to eat breakfast." Cece explained getting his hand.

I rock myself back and forth awkwardly. "Ok then... Oh my gosh I was about to forget. Is Logan here?"

Cece points in his direction. Marcus's eyes were back to normal. "Well bye Rocky! Don't worry Cece is in great hands."

I roll my eyes mumbling, "I doubt it."

Marcus turns around, he probably heard me. It sends me another shiver down my spine.

They both walk out as I look for Logan. He was in a room with Flynn, playing video games. "Hey guys what's up?"

Flynn's attention is glued to the screen. "Playing the most awesome game and I'm about to beat Logan."

Logan snickers, "yeah right."

I stand at the doorway for about five minutes, watching them play. "Logan we need to talk about something serious."

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