The End is the Beginning

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No ones POV

The Soldiers split up, each taking part of the group. S-3 commanded, "S-29 and S-137 take them down. S-1 and I will stay here."

S-29 and S-137 walked over to the group, their eyes flickered green with control. S-29 clenched his fists as he looked to the group, he didn't speak though. S-137 looked at Jack and Leo, "who should we take down first?"

"You are going to fight me? You're just a little kid!" Jack said. S-137 took a hold of Jack's hand and spun around like a small tornado. Once he lets go of Jack, he stops spinning. Jack was thrown to nearby wall, when he hits the surface there's a loud thump.

"This little man can throw." Kim comments, Cece nods in agreement.

S-29 cracked his neck and advanced towards Leo, Logan, and Rocky.

"I may not know much, but I hope this helps." Logan aimed his foot, trying to kick S-29. The soldier took a hold of Logan's foot, twisted his leg, and causing Logan to fall.

Leo and Rocky both whimpered. Leo yelled, "mommy!"

At that moment, Jack and Kim both kicked S-29, making him fall to the floor.

"Nice aim." Leo complimented.

"Thanks." They both say.

Meanwhile, S-1 and S-3 had the bionics at the last straw.

"This is going to be fun!" S-1 exclaimed.

"Not for long." Bree said.

S-1 smirked at her. "We'll see. Get 'em!"

S-1 and her brother charged at Adam, Bree, and Chase. They geo-leaped out the dojo and into the courtyard.

"Why'd you bring us here?" Adam asked.

The soldiers stood motionless. The bionics turned around as they heard a familiar voice. "If it isn't Adam, Bree, and Chase. Looks like you've met my messengers already."

"It's a shame they think you care about them." Chase says.

"I do." Krane says. He walks over to the two soldiers. Krane places an arm over their shoulders. "Can't you just see the resemblance."

"You disgust me." Bree says.

Krane chuckles and ignores Bree's comment. "Good Luck defeating me and bionic super soldiers."

"There's only two—three... four... you what, forget it." Adam says in frustration.

Chase says, "we'll win—"

"But are going to need a little help." Marcus pops out of the shadows. "What? You guys are going to fight without me?" He walks towards Krane, but keeps advancing until face to face with Chase. "I'll join you guys." He smirks and gets into position. When Marcus heard Chase, he knew he was bluffing.

S-1 advanced to Bree, Kicking the side of her. The girls started to go fast until super speeding, S-1 had the lead.

S-3 speeded to Chase, "you may be smart, but lets see how you fight."

"Like I've always said, clever beats strong anyday."

S-3 didn't like a word that Chase said. The both of them fought hand-to-hand.

Adam took a look at S-29. He looked much stronger. Adam asked, "do you talk?"

S-29 stood in front of Adam looking at him.

"Okay, I'll take that as a no." Adam punched S-29 in the stomach with his strength. S-29 went back a couple a feet, but regained his balance. It didn't take him long to react.

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