Understandments And Tamales

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(A/N: I thought you deserved an update today and here it is!)

Chase's POV

Once we got home I ran straight to the lab looking for Mr. Davenport. He was on his computer checking it's history. "Mr. Davenport you will not believe what happened today!"

"Well Chase, I have bigger problems." Mr. Davenport is freaking out in the inside, I can tell.

"What happened?" I ask walking beside him.

"Someone downloaded all my files from here! While you guys were captured which wasn't long..." He was in thought for a moment then snapped out of it. "It wouldn't have been Leo because he would've told me."

I kept staring at the computer, "what do you have in there?"

"There are classified imformation about your bionics!"

I started to panick. "Why would you have that there!"

"Oh I don't know... Maybe so no one would find it!" Mr. Davenport was thinking what days did he leave the lab.

"Ok ok, has anyone came to the lab, besides Brody and Sloane?" I asked.

"Now that I think about it, four of Leo's friends came. See I knew I should've placed Eddy here! Anyway, two of them said they were looking around the house." He was looking at the time the download happened.

"How do they look like?" Maybe I'll reconzied them.

"Well one was a blonde girl and another was a guy with short ginger hair. They are around Bree's age and your height."

I slammed my hand up to my forehead. I know who he's talking about. I used my fingerprint recognition app, identitying the fingerprints I found. Just to make sure. "Kim Crawford and Milton Krupnick. They must have been in the lab! Ugh!"

"They must have gotten the files in a flashdrive." Mr. Davenport said before I left.

I walked out of there heading to my room. There was some type of shuffling noise. With my bionic hearing I was trying to figure out who it was. Slowly, creeping up to the door I saw Bree super speeding everywhere trying to look for something.

"What are you doing in my room!?" I ask, she abruptly turned around.

"Hey Chase." Bree nervously tried to walk out of the room, but I stepped in front of her.

"Um... I-I thought I lost something in here. Anyway bye!" I know she was looking for the files I took from Mr. Davenport.

"Wait! We have a problem. Mr. Davenport thinks that Kim and Milton were in the lab! Also that Milton downloaded all the files and in one of those files ot has our bionic secret!" I said.

Bree starts super speeding all over my room, this time it's a glitch. "Are you sure!? That can not happen!" She placed her hands on my shoulder. "Chase Davenport! That can not be true!"

Bree is extremely nervously. When she is nervous or really sad, sometimes she says our full name.

"I wish! Somehow they managed to get it!" I shouted.

I heard someone come upstairs. "What is all the shouting?" Tasha asked with Leo and Adam behide her.

I turned around, "someone discovered the lab and download all the files off Mr. Davenport’s computer. And in one of those files it has our bionic secret."

"Oh no! What is Donald doing?"

"Trying to figure out exactly who did it. I know who it is, but Mr. Davenport wants to make sure." I said looking at Bree who was shaking.

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