The Compromise

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No Ones POV

Cece was in her room, looking at the wall. She did that yesterday when she came home, today was her second day. "I'm so stupid. They were right and I didn't listen."

Sloane takes Cece left arm, "he's using you."

"I don't need you. Cece I never loved you. You are an idiot to believing that I cared for you. You are a vulnerable, pathetic, idiotic girl. You are so naive and innocent. It was so simple to trick you. You have nobody! Not even Rocky, you're alone!" Marcus taunts.

"Marcus is right. I am vulnerable and naive." Cece blinked a couple of times, her eyes were getting dried up.

She looked to her side at the floor. She then saw a pair of shoes at her doorway. "Logan! Did you- um- why are you here?"

Logan sighs and walks in the room. "Cece. I heard what you said. Don't think that way. We may not be the best siblings, but what Marcus did to you is wrong. We won't let him get away with anything."

"We?" Cece asked.

"The group found out about it... Kind of." Logan clarified. Cece glares at her step brother and rolls her eyes. Logan shrugs lifting his arms up. "Hey, just trying to help out here. If you don't want my help or the groups, that's all on you."

Logan began to walk away when Cece pulled on his arm. "NO WAIT!" Logan stopped walking and turned to Cece. "I'm sorry. You were right, I was being selfish, and blinded my self from the truth... You were just trying to protect me." Cece looked at Logan. "Will you forgive me?"

"Apology accepted. Who knows if the rest will forgive you." Cece frowns at Logan as he chuckles. "But I'm sure they'll let you back in."

Logan extended his hand out. Cece shakes his hand as a compromise. "One last thing... This didn't happen, got it?"

"You don't even have to tell me twice!"

Marcus's POV

"You have to do this." My dad said, his hand was on my shoulder.

"I don't get you. First you tell me to eliminate. Now you want me to act like nothing happened?" I ask.

Douglas stays silent for a moment to think. "Yes... but I wouldn't say it like that."

I roll my eyes at him. "Look, this is what happens when you share your work. You betrayed my uncle's trust, then Krane betrays your trust. History repeats itself!"

"Anyway! Do this for me, for them, for us. Marcus family is family... and I realized that if Krane does anything to them, I'll be much worse than how I started before." Douglas explains.

I get confused at his statement. What did he mean by 'how I started'? "I'm sensing that you're hiding something else."

"Cause I am." My dad walked over to the couch and took a seat, I followed. "A long time ago, near the time when Donald had taken the kids long ago, my wife had died. I was devastated. Point is, I don't want to go back that time."

I took a deep breath. He was broken all these years and I never noticed.

"Don't say anything kid. Just do what I say-"

"Because it's my last mission, I know." I cut my dad's sentence short.

Douglas smiled, "I'm glad you understand."

"For family." I whisper.

Douglas nods, "for family."

I hug my father, "if anything happens to me, I want you to know that these have been the best 16 years."

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