Who Will It Be?

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After the reunion, Jack's words kept repeating in Logan's mind. Would he stay here in Seaford, or go back to Chicago to be with Rocky? This was a very important decision.

He never knew he had a brother until coming here. If Cece had never signed up for the dance competition, his father would have kept the secret until his near death. Yet for once Cece did do something that benefited him.

But isn't she the one who tried to drift Rocky and him apart? Rocky and him were planning to do many things most young couples do. He knows she's the one, but where does that leave his family . . . his brother.

~The Next Day~

Cece's POV

Today my mom told us to pack. We would leave Seaford in a couple of days to go back to Chicago. To tell you the truth,  I'm glad about that, I don't think I can stand this place any longer.

One thing that has caught my eye is Logan. He's been distant since the party. It's a weird impulse, but I really need to talk to him.

I get up from the couch and see Logan at the small dining table.

"Sup Logan."

Logan placed his phone on the table, "hey Cece."

"It's so obvious something's wrong, spill."

Logan sighed and said, "I want to go back to Chicago, but I don't want to leave my brother behind."

This is when I thought of something, "then bring him to Chicago! As much as it will pain me to have two step-brothers, it'll be worth it."

Logan nods his head for a moment, "I think I have a better plan."

Better? What could be better!? For once I am helpful!

Sloane's POV

I was walking with Kim to Bree's house. When I knocked on the door, a dog could be heard on the other side.

Kim told me, "I think we're at the wrong house."

I laughed, "hope not."

There was shuffling on the other side, it was Douglas. "Hey girls.""I didn't know you guys have a dog now?" I asked.

Douglas smiled, "now you know . . . Otis." He whistles and a dog appears at the doorway. He was so adorable! Kim and I pet the dog then walked inside.

Douglas said, "though it's not all fun and games." He points to the living room where our friends are. Chase had a tissue box beside him and was sneezing like crazy.

"Oh," Kim said for the both of us.

"I'm surprised you haven't had a glitch yet," Douglas said.

"All ready did . . . and it was gross." Adam walked in clean, this might of happened an hour ago.

Leo laughed at his older brother, "yet hilarious."

"I'll catch you all later," Douglas and Otis walked outside and disappeared from my vision when the door shut.

I sat next to Bree and Kim next to Marcus. Kim said, "so how's life been?"

"We're leaving town soon," Bree said. She put her phone away and faced Kim, "we're packing tomorrow and leaving a few days after."

"Aw, I'm going to miss you all," I say.

"You're welcome!" Marcus says. I swear all of us turned to him. "What? It's true! Without me, you all wouldn't be so close to each other."

Leo says, "point goes to Marcus."

"I guess yesterday's party was a goodbye thing." I kept looking over at Chase, he was distracting—correction, his sneezes were. "You seriously have to find him another room."


The rest of us laugh and I say, "kidding."

Kim gets her phone out to text someone, but I didn't know who. Kim types something and when she received the response, she finally told us. "I texted Cece and Rocky to see if any of them responded. Cece said sure, but she's waiting for Logan to come back, which I'm guessing he's with Rocky."

"Why'd you text them?" Adam asked.

"I want us all to be together at the dojo for one last time." Kim says.

No ones POV

Rocky and Logan went on a date. They walked throughout the mall and ate at a restaurant, but when it was time they both said bye.

"Rocky this was so much fun," Logan said as he held her hands.

Rocky smiled, "same."

Logan didn't want to do this, but he had to. "Listen, I've had the best moments with you, but it's time for me to man up and tell you what's happening."

"What is it?"

"Rocky, I'm staying here in Seaford with my brother." Logan said. Rocky tried to hold herself from crying, it wasn't like he was going to stay here forever.

"It'll only be for a year, so I guess that's the good side of things." Logan hugged Rocky, trying to comfort her. "I'm sorry."

Rocky slightly smiled, "it's fine. Family should be first right now. We're still teens."

"Jack already knows about my decision..."

"I should get back to the hotel, I need to start packing." Rocky lets go of Logan and walks off without another word.


Back at the Davenport (temporary) household, Douglas came back with Otis. The group showed Otis cool tricks—except Chase of course—and would give him snacks.

They were were waiting on Bree to get ready since they were going to the dojo for the last time.

"What took you so long?" Leo whined.

Marcus chuckled, "yeah, we were about to leave without you."

"What a liar," Kim said, "you said if Bree doesn't come down in the next five minutes, you would eat something from Adam's incredible edibles."

Bree smiled in a confused way, "you're welcome?"

"Oh! Cece is going and Logan. Rocky is staying at the hotel . . . Aw, I wonder why?" Kim said as she looked af her phone.

"Same." Sloane stands up and stretches herself. "We should get going."

"We should, Chase lets go!" Adam calls out.

Chase was already beside him, "I'm going, calm down!"

Adam rushes to the door to open it for the rest, he looks inside for the last time, "bye Otis!"

Otis barks at Adam in response.


"Okay, so Rudy is here to give you something." Jack starts to walk to Rudy's office, but jumps back when Rudy bolts out the door.

"I found it!" Rudy had something in his hands. Adam and the rest of his siblings were waiting impatiently wondering what the item is.

"What is that?" Leo asked.

Rudy opened his hand to reveal small rocks. Each of the rocks were different color. Rudy handed them out to the bionics.

"What is this for?" Bree asked as she examined her rock.

"It symbolizes union. Whenever you look at this. Think of each other." Rudy smiled at the small group.

Chase looked at his siblings, then at Rudy, "thank you."

"It was an honor to have you here." Rudy said, "bring it in."

They smiled and had a group hug. Jack closed in and so did the others.

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