Ready to Unite

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Excuse any mistakes. Enjoy.

Logan's POV

"The one who burned my board was your brother, Adam." I lie. Marcus warned me not to tell anyone.

Adam looks at me with anger in his eyes. I had betrayed them all. Bree pushes Adam to the side and his lasers go out of control.

All of us duck as Adam is moved to the hallway. Rocky points to his direction, "I did not see that coming."

"I can't believe I almost dated him." Cece comments.

"I can' believe a guy actually finds interest in you." I respond. She sends me a glare and I move over to Leo. Leo and Chase move back looking at me with cold eyes.

"I have a feeling you're lying Logan. If I ever find out you lied, forget our friendship." Chase warns. I gulp, scared of the future.

Bree comes back taking deep breaths. "I recommend you leave now, before my brother turns you all to toast. Literally, he almost burned my friend Caitlin awhile back."

Rocky tugs on my arm pulling me back, Cece was already out the door. When we got out, Leo slammed the door on us. I feel bad for what I did, but it was only to protect Rocky and the rest, even Cece. I hope I did the right thing.

I told Jack we were going to tell them. It'll be hard since I just lied to their face.

Kim's POV

I was practicing at the dojo with Rudy. The dust that was on the floor had been cleaned up. Something wasn't right here. I could see it in Jack's look and the way Logan talked back to me.

"Kim is everything alright?" Rudy asks.

"To tell you the truth, no. I feel like they're lying to me." I explain. I sit down on the bench and Rudy follows.

"Who's they?"

"Jack and Logan. Remember that pile of ash I found on the floor?" Rudy nods. I continue, "well they didn't want to tell me who did it or how'd it happened."

Rudy stays in thought for a moment. "How about we check the security cameras for any clues."

"Lets go then." I say.

Rudy motions me to the office. He goes on the computer and clicks on the security files. Rudy puts on the footage and we watch it.

"What are you?"

"The fourth one."

I see Marcus twist Jack's wrist and throwing him on the floor. He had disinegrated Logan's board. "He was our friend!"

"That means-"

"Milton was right all along!" I cut him off. "We have to warn the others!"

I start to walk out his office, then look back. "What are you doing?"

"So they have powers!?" Rudy exclaims.

"I'll explain to you on the way." I say.

"Hey do you think you can get his uncle to the dojo?" I requested it, but got denied." Rudy asks.

I roll my eyes. "Sure I guess."

I take my cell phone out and text a message to everyone, except the Davenports of course. That's why when Marcus first came they were enraged.

Message: Meet me at my house. 97 Fort Drive.

To: Brody [x] Cece [x] Rocky [x] Sloane [x] Jerry [x] Milton [x] Jack [x] Logan [x]

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