Evil Rises

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~Two Days Later~

Nobody's POV

It was around noon when Jack and the rest of the group were training at the dojo. Kim had ripped off two dummy heads, she kicked it and it went flying.

Sloane was teaching Jerry and Milton some moves. Jerry kept trying to get close to her, but she just got tired of it.

"Ow! I hurt myself." Jerry grabbed his ankle faking an injury.

"Jerry if you fake an injury one last time, the next time it won't be fake." Sloane warned that made both of them flinch.

"Ok I think we both got the moves." Jerry said backing up pulling Milton with him.

"Good." Sloane walks where the locker rooms are. She was leaving early only because Jerry was annoying her.

Sloane leaves and Kim walks up to Milton. "What did you guys do?"

Kim puts her hands on her waist, waiting for an answer. Milton points at Jerry, "don't look at me. It was all his fault."

"Hey Brody had a chance, I think it's my turn now." Jerry replied.

"She still likes him. It's super obvious, Jerry." Kim rolled her eyes knowing his next answer.

Jerry holds his right hand close to his chest, gasping as if going to die. "Kim, you're breaking me."

Milton stands beside Kim. "Ok, keep it for the soap opera."

Milton walks to the locker rooms to change and so does Jerry. They both leave the dojo, Kim goes back to practice and Logan walks in.

"Hey guys what's up." Logan skates in stopping at the mat.

Kim looks at him remembering something. "If you guys are brothers I can already see a similarity."

"Like?" Logan asks walking to the bench.

"You both like to stakeboard!" Kim pushes Jack to Logan. "I'll be back, meanwhile Jack could show you what he knows."

Kim goes to the locker room not wanting to disrupt anything. Logan hands Jack the skateboard. "Here, I want to see what you know."

"I'm a little rusty, but ok." Jack tries a few moves.

"Not bad." Logan thinks for a moment. "Maybe I can help you improve the moves and you show me basic martial arts."

Jack gives the board back to Logan. "Ok. Seems fair."

Logan sets the board down and walks with Jack to the center of the mat.

Marcus's POV

I walk in the place ready for a show. Today was going to be interesting. "Hey guys."

Jack was showing Logan some moves on the mat. Logan says, "sup."

As I walked in their direction Logan almost hits me. "Also Jack why use that when I could do this."

Logan gets his skateboard, swinging it in my direction, but I catch it in time. "Oh sorry man."

"It's fine. Jack is Rudy here?" I ask.

"No why?" Jack replied.

This is better than I thought. I look at the door. Lifting my arm and using my mind, I lock it. "Because I'm not joining."

"But, your great!" Jack says.

"Well I can't be in the same place my enemy is." I lift an eyebrow.

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