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Rocky's POV

I was ready for my date with Logan. Date with Logan... date with Logan. Seems weird saying that. I won't get use to saying that. Also I can't say that, if I come here late!

"Rocky you there?" I heard Logan out in the hallway. Ty went with my dad somewhere and my mom was organizing some things.

"Mom I'm going to the park for a while." I went to get my jacket from the couch in case I get cold.

"Ok just be back before dusk." Ok she barely says that.

I opened the door and Logan was there staring at me. "Can we go now?"

"Oh yeah sorry, it's just that you're really pretty." He kept looking at me. We walked out of the hotel and went to the park.

"So what do you want to do?" He asked.

"Well I can barely do anything in a skirt." I looked down feeling my face fluster a little.

"You have leggings and boots, so I'm pretty sure you can."

"Ok then, Lets just walk til one of us comes up with something." I said. Logan took my hand keeping it. Our hands were held for quite some time.

"How bout we talk about... us, like a confession. What was the first thing you thought when you met me?" Logan suggested.

"Ok... I'll go first then." This really took a lot of work. "The first thing I thought when I met you was 'another skateboarder great!' That was really the first thing I thought."

"Not a nice one right? Anyway the first thing I thought about you was 'wow she is beautiful." He said getting my other hand.

"Haha yeah right!" Jokingly saying.

"I'm not! I'm being serious!" Logan couldn't control his laughter.

"Liar!" I started laughing.

"Liar." Logan mocked.

Logan lost his balance while laughing. He pulled me to him when he fell. I fell flat on his chest. We were still laughing like crazy.

"I hate you." I said.

"And I love you." Logan looked at me forever.

His hand was rubbing my back. My hands moved to his face. Caught up in the moment I leaned in kissing him. Both of his hands shifted to my waist. Also kissing me back, he flipped me over. Logan had one hand on my back and the other on the back of my neck. One of my hands was on his neck.

We were kissing for minutes, but Logan broke away.

"ZAM!" He screamed.

"What just happened?" Surprise! Rocky you just kissed Logan! Great now that'll be the only thing he's going to mention. Isn't that a good thing? No, but it proves that he loves you.

"You just gave me the best kiss ever!" His face was lighten up.

I pushed him off of me. Getting up, I turned around facing him. "This is awkward. So I'm gonna go."

"Rocky I'm tired of you avoiding me! I'm only going to say this once. Will you be my girlfriend?"

I stood there in a state of shock. "Logan are you serious?"

"Yes I really am" I was trying to find any clues to see if he was lying, trns out he was saying the truth.

"I'll think about ok? Trust me I won't take long."

"Ok then." He smiled. "But can I kiss you again?"

"Don't push it." I said putting borders. Logan placed his arm around my waist and we started walking again.

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