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Nobody's POV

Sloane was picking at her food, not bothering to eat it. It had been days since she broke up with Brody. Her mother had also noticed the changed.

"Sloane why aren't you eating?"

Sloane didn't look up from her plate. To Sloane's surprise she hasn't lost any weight. "I'm not hungry."

"You have to eat something. I talked to your father yesterday about what's been going on. We are really concern about you." Her mom places a hand over Sloane's hand, but she slowly slides it off.

"I don't know. I'm just not that hungry." There was a silent pause for a moment, then Sloane said something else. "Hey mom, where was I born?"

That took her mother by surprise. Sloane never asked anything about her childhood until now.

"Well, at a hospital of course. Why?"

"Because with the money I get from being famous I could donate some of it." Sloane pushed her plate to the middle of the table. Her mom laughed nervously trying to agree.

"That'd be very sweet of you."

Sloane's mom was lying though. She couldn't tell her the truth. Especially with her break up with Brody. It'd be to much to carry, which could lead to unwanted things.

Sloane gets up from the seat. Her mother looks at Sloane going to her room. She's going to have to tell her someday, somehow.

Sloane doesn't know what else to do. All she can wish is for the nightmare to be over. Where she can finally wake up and say 'it was a dream'.

Meanwhile Adam decides to do the dumbest thing ever. Use his bionics outside. Luckily Davenport had made the fence of the house with specialized material. Also nobody was outside.

Adam was practicing his abilities. Which somehow he apparently couldn't do it inside. He was trying manipulate the intensity of his bionics.

Then only thing he could do successfully was his heat/fire vision and super strength. Adam wants to control his blastwave. Incase he uses, it'll only cause problems where he directs it.

He was practicing for a while until someone appeared to his side with wind. Marcus.

"Hey what are you doing here!?"

Marcus leans on the wall of the house crossing his arms. "I can't visit my older brother? That is dissapointing."

"Um no, kinda busy here." Adam motions to his surroundings, then creating another blast wave. "But seriously why are you here?"

"Because I have nothing to do. Chill I came in peace." Marcus said.

Adam asked in confusion, "no evil things to do?"

Tasha was in the kitchen attempting to cook. She heard Adam say something, wondering who was he talking to. "Adam who's with you?"

Adam was deciding weather or not to tell Tasha, Marcus was here. Marcus moved his finger across his neck.

Adam nods running inside. "Oh, no one Tasha, I was just talking to myself."

Tasha looks at him then continues cooking, which surprisingly was going well. Adam runs back looking for Marcus.

"You know... I can help you mater your blast wave ability." Marcus offered.

"Are you going to hurt me?" Adam asked cautiously.

Marcus facepalms. This time he was being serious. "No."

"Oh ok." Adam shrugs practicing some more with Marcus helping him.

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