Confusion Between Family

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Leo's POV

My mom made dinner and let me just say, it smells delicious. For once.

Big D. was going to be sitting at one end of the table and mom on the other. Adam was already here sitting across from me. Chase normally sat next me and Bree across from him, but who knows where they are.

"Adam do you know where Chase is?" I ask Adam, sitting down in my seat.

He was about to take a bite, but mom told him to wait for Bree and Chase. Adam pouts and sets his fork down. "Oh Leo, Bree is in her room and Chase what sleeping on his bed."

"His bed?" That took me for surprise. "What do you mean?"

"You know, the fluffy thingy that looks like the couch. With pillows on it."

I stare at him, "I know what that is. Why isn't he in his capsule?"

Adam shrugs while Big D. takes his seat. Then he asks what I asked. "Hey where's Bree and Chase?"

"Well I'm right here." I turn around, Bree was at the last step. She sat next to Adam, her eyes were a little red and puffy.

"Chase is-" Bree was cut off by him.

"Is going to eat because this smells and looks super good!" Chase sits next to me, but he doesn't talk to Bree and vise versa.

Once we were eating the tension at the table was awkward.

"So how's it been here guys?" My mom said trying to start a conversation.

"We've made friends and they're not mean to us." I said taking a bite from my food. "If that helps."

"Oh my gosh I just remembered! Can we please, please, please, please, pleaseee go to the dance competition!" Bree begged to mom and Big D. "Our friends invited us and they really want us to go."

"Well I don't know. What about the loud music, it could hurt Chase's ears." Big D. explained taking another bite from his food.

I was going to say something but Adam beats me to it. "So we'll just go and leave Chase."

"No he can go too, we could just give him earplugs." Mom suggested which suprisingly even Davenport agreed.

"Yeah I guess." I said while Adam shook his head in agreement, his mouth stuffed with spaghetti.

Chase contradicts us. "I'm not going. Even if you got me a ticket which I know Bree already did. I'm not going. End of discussion."

Chase gets up from his seat, leaving the table. "Plus I'm finished. I'll be downstairs doing some training."

I looked at Bree she should know what happened. "What's... up with him?"

"I'm going to call Cece and Rocky to notify them about something." Bree gets up walking upstairs completely ignoring me.

"So... Who wants dessert?" Mom asked while Big D. and me gave each other looks.

"Oh I do! It's more for daddy." Adam pats his stomach already thinking how the dessert is.

Nobody's POV

Douglas was pacing back and forth waiting for Marcus. He needed to be here Krane was losing his mind. "Where is that little android!?"

Douglas stopped walking, facing Krane. "His name is Marcus."

"I didn't pay you to make yourself a son. I paid you to make a weapon!" Krane demanded as his head twitched a little.

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