Aiming Fire

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Marcus' POV

Leo was badly injured. I need to call my father. I looked down to see what happened to the soldiers, they're still down.

"Dad, there's an emergency!" I yell into the phone. "Leo is injured, if we don't do something he—"

I hear shuffling on the other side. "Marcus! I'll be right there. I need you to sneak Leo out of the spot. Got it?"

"Okay, I will."

I hang up and check the time.

1:35 AM

Were we really fighting for that long?

I look at the broken window and see the group huddled around Leo. I make my way to Leo, the group kept giving me weird looks.

"What do you think you are doing?" Chase asks.

"Saving your brother," I answer. I pick up Leo and carefully hold his arm in place. "I know Douglas can help save his arm."

"Why should we trust you? Adam asked me.

"I just killed your worst enemy, if it wasn't for me, we'd all be dead; Destroyed one by one by Krane and his soldiers. Just trust me!"

Before they did anything, I sped out of there with Leo. Dad should be out in the parking lot. Once I get to the lot, I look for Douglas's car. He parked pretty close than expected.

I place Leo in the car. I had to sit next to him, to prevent any sharp movements.

"Step on it dad!" I yell.

"I'm going , I'm going." He said back to me.

Now I'm pretty grateful that they don't have geo-leaping. If one of them did, it'd have to be Adam.

I look at Leo, he's very weak. I impatiently tap my foot on the car, he needs to hurry. "Douglas, Leo is losing conscious, hurry up."

"We're almost there, just a couple more minutes."

Douglas stopped the car and we were at the house. I take a hold of Leo and gently take him into the house.

When we get inside, Douglas. Tells me to go to the lab and set Leo on one of the tables.

Douglas comes back with a few things, "this isn't enough to reconstruct his arm. I'm going to need to order some parts from Memorial Hospital."

"Why a hospital?" I ask.

"There are a few things that can't say, for the people who work there. I can tell you that a very good friend of mine knows about this technology." Douglas explained. I wonder who could that be.

I gave him a questioning look. "I thought Dr. Evans help you out?"

"He did, but for your older siblings." He looked into a closeby drawer for something.

"So this man that you're referring to, helped you build me?"


To be honest, I ever knew dad had friends after turning my siblings bionic. "What's his name?"

"Horace Diaz."

I looked at the floor for a moment while Douglas dialed a phone number on his cell phone.

"Dad... do you think your brother will forgive us?" I ask.

I hear Douglas sigh at my question. "If this doesn't change his mind, I don't know what will."

Chase's POV

Marcus took off with Leo, and we don't know where. A part of me is saying 'don't trust him' and the other 'don't abandon him'.

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