One Last Time

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~1 Week Later~

Chase's POV

Leo, Bree, and Adam were upstairs packing their last bags, Marcus decided to take a nap, and I was checking off what I had packed.

"Phone, headphones, and speaker . . . check." I went down the list making sure I didn't forget anything.

Douglas came upstairs with a box and Otis was right behind him. "Could you tell the others to hurry up, Don and I are down to the last box."

"Sure." I ran upstairs to advise the others.

"Adam . . . Leo, Douglas said to hurry up we're about to go."

They nod and I walk to Bree's room. "Bree, Douglas said to hurry up we're almost leaving."


I saw her used her superspeed when I said to hurry up. I went back down stairs to walk Marcus up, we wouldn't want to leave without him.

He was sleeping on the couch, it was weird because he still needs his capsule.

I shook his shoulder to wake him up, "Marcus, get up . . . we're leaving now."

He didn't move at my touch, "Marcus? . . . Marcus get up . . . Marcus!"

I started to breath rapidly, it was a scary thought, this couldn't be happening. "Douglas! Mr. Davenport!"

Mr. Davenport and Douglas rush into the room. Leo, Bree, and Adam come running from upstairs.

"What's wrong?" Davenport asked.

"Marcus won't wake up," I said to him. Douglas made his way to Marcus to check his pulse. He checked multiple times and every moment counted.

Douglas turned to us, his eyes started to get watery, but he tried to hold them back. "His time has ran out."

I saw Leo's eyes, how they widen in shock. Adam and Bree's eyes started to form tears, but neither of them cried.

Douglas held onto Marcus' hand and his head rested on the small space of the couch. He mumbled a few words, but I didn't listen carefully.

Mr. Davenport laid his hand on Douglas' shoulder. There was a random knock on door that made us all flinch.

"I got it," I said in a soft voice. I didn't want to look at the scene any longer, it was too painful to watch.

When I opened the door, Jack and friends stood there. I tried to seem like nothing was wrong, but it was so hard to fake it. "Hey guys."

I heard footsteps behind me, it was my siblings.

"Hey . . . What's the matter?" Jack asked us. I turn to the living room and the adults were still beside Marcus.

I motioned my hand to let them take a look at was going on. We couldn't hide this from them. The girls and Jerry gasped, Jack, Brody, and Milton tilted their heads down.

"Sorry for your loss, bro." Brody told me.

I slowly nod my head and turn to Bree when she starts speaking. "I think you should leave, we all might get in trouble."

"Good call," Milton says. He walks out along with the others. I close the door and walk back to the living room.

"So what's going to happen with Marcus?" Bree asks Douglas.

Douglas sighed at her, "I think I have to take him back with Horace at MMH."

"MMH?" Leo asked. I was also confused and I'm the smartest man alive!

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