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Leo's POV

Big D. was in the lab still trying to find Adam, Bree and Chase. I had just sat on the couch when there was a knock at the door. I opened the door getting a surprise. NO WAY! THEY'RE HOME! A huge smile showed up on my face.

"BIG D.! MOM! THEY'RE BACK THEY'RE HOME! THEY'RE OK!" I ran up to them, we all got in a group hug.

"I'm so glad you guys are back." Mom gave them all a separate hug. She noticed Brody and Sloane are there. She looked confused and concerned, "Woah, who are these?"

Chase answered the question for me. "Our non-biological twins."

"Tasha please don't asked why I'm stabbed in the back." Bree went downstairs, so did Adam and Chase. They look like they can use a rest. Mom took a look at Bree's back. It had a piece of glass with tiny smuges of fresh-dry blood. She placed both hands over her mouth, gasping. I laughed for a brief occasion. Mom's expression is priceless!

"Were you guys with them the whole time?" Mom asked giving Sloane and Brody water.

"Actually the reason why they left was to save us." That's why they went missing... Sloane was about to leave but Big D. ran up here stopping her. Hope he fixed Bree from that injury.

"Don't leave yet. You two follow me." Sloane and Brody followed him I was right behind them. Once we got to the lab Adam, Bree and Chase were in their capsules. Sloane was walking all over the place. When she got to the capsules her face change. "Why are they sleeping there, like that?"

Brody nodded agreeing to Sloane. I said, "the capsules help their bionics. So if they slept like us, their bionics could/will go haywire."

They walked slowly observing each one. "Why is he in the middle? Isn't he they youngest?" Brody said in front of Chase's capsule.

"Honestly I do not know. Maybe because he has the most abilities?" That is a mystery the world will never know.

Big D. started to speak, "Chase told me everything. You sit here and you there."

He started with Brody, taking a blood sample. Why would he need blood samples? What did Chase tell him now. Next when he was about to place the needle on Sloane's arm she flinch then zoned out. Once the needle was out, Big D. was trying to get her attention, nothing worked.

Bree could be her sister so why not a 'sister talk.' I walked up to Bree's capsule, tapping the glass. "Bree, Bree."

She gets out of here capsule annoyed, "what Leo? Do you not see I'm trying to take a nap. Also my back is still sore."

"Can you get Sloane's attention, she won't wake up." I explained. Bree reacted oddly. She walked up to Sloane saying things I never thought she would say.

Bree grabbed Sloane's hands. "Sloane? Do you hear me? If you do, open your eyes, you are imaginiating. Sloane? Wake up, please (...)" Bree tapped her arm slightly.

Bree is a miracle worker, she woke up Sloane. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm totally fine. It was just... never mind. I am going to go because I know my family is looking for me. Nice meeting you." She stood up leaving the house.

"So am I, see you guys later." Brody waved good-bye also leaving. What a day.

4:00 pm.

Jack's POV

One thing I did not think about is how am I going to find Logan. A miracle would need to happen so I can find him. buzz... buzz... I checked my phone, Milton had send me weird information that I could care less.

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