Laser Tag

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Jack's POV

We went to a sandwich shop nearby. It has the healthiest things in town and we always go to Falafel Phil's. Might as well a little change for a day.

We sat at one of the tables that's in the front corner. I sat across from Kim. To be honest, I feel awkward.

"How many days left til summer?" Kim asked.

I shrug, "Possibly one month left? I really don't know. Lost count."

Kim laughs. Gosh, I love her laugh, it's lovely. Her smile, laugh, everything about her is amazing. I went into my own thoughts till Kim snapped her fingers. "Jack? Did you hear me?"

I shook my head in disagreement. "Sorry Kim, what were you saying?"

"I was saying if you want to play laser tag? After this." Kim asked.

I shook my head. "Yes... I think we should invite more people so it could be much fun."

Kim smiles at the idea. "I can call the girls and you call the guys."

"Ok then." I said back.

We both continue eating our subs. Kim and I got the exact same subs, all vegetables.

I finished way before Kim did. I waited for her to finish. "You know while I wait, I'm going to text the guys."

Kim nods as I get my phone.

Message: Meet me at the laser tag place in the mall in 10 mins.

To: Jerry [x] Chase [x] Milton [x] Logan [x] Brody [x] Adam [x] Leo [x] Marcus [x]

Even if I or we don't trust them... Marcus, they still have to be invited. It's the nice thing to do.

"Ok I just sent a text to the guys." I tell Kim.

She gets up to throw the trash away. Kim comes back with her phone at hand. She's probably doing the same thing. "At what time are we going?"

"In ten minutes." I say, she types super fast.

Kim looks up from her screen, "done."

'You ready?" I ask standing up.

"Yup lets go."

~10 Minutes Later~

"Come on Kim, you interrupted my date with Marcus!" Cece whined as she had Marcus's hand.

"Anyway." I say trying to quiet everyone down. "We're going to be in pairs so group yourselves up."

"Yup muscle and hustle are together. Beware." Bree warned pointing a finger at everyone. Adam flexed his muscles to prove everyone that Bree is right. Show off.

Chase snickered, "clever beats strong and speed. Any time, any day."

We went to the front desk to sign our names. Everyone went to a hiding place, then the alarm went off. Time to battle.

Nobody's POV

Each pair had to have a team name. The sign up sheet had the following pairs.

Adam & Bree: Muscle&Hustle

Chase & Leo: The Smarts

Jerry & Milton: The Swawesomes

Jack & Kim: Knights of Marital Arts

Logan & Rocky: The Runaways

Sloane & Brody: The Invincibles

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