Party Time

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So before you read this chapter, I need to say that it's one of the final chapters. There are two chapters left, but there will be be a sequel since it's a trilogy. 


That Morning

Logan, Cece, and Rocky went back to the hotel. Not one of their parents suspected a thing, even Flynn and Ty since they had their own thing going on.

Jack and his group were back in their own house, dead tired for the work they had done to protect the bionic trio.

For the lab rats, it was a whole different story.

"Where were you all!?" Mr. Davenport asked. It was very obvious he was upset.

Bree shifted her weight from side to side and said, "we may have defeated Krane."

"The mad man?" Tasha said. The kids nodded.

"That's not the only thing that happened," Adam responded with a goofy smile. He and Leo moved aside to reveal Douglas and Marcus.

Donald and Tasha were speechless.

"Sup Don, Tasha." Douglas greeted.

"What are you doing here!?" Donald asked. "We have no business with you."

"I beg to differ uncle Davenport." Marcus gets beside his siblings. "We're family, plus I saved Leo."

Tasha asked, "from whom or what?"

"Turns out Douglas was right. Krane was planning something and during the fight one of his soldiers threw a piece of wood at Leo's arm... It was almost off of him." Bree answered in a cool tone. She didn't want to go into too many details to avoid a shock.

Tasha gives Leo a hug, she's glad he's okay.

"That's not the only change that's happened," Marcus said.

Leo knew what he meant. "Try not to freak out, but they made me bionic."

Suddenly Tasha broke away from Leo and gave a death glare at Douglas. Douglas got behind Marcus and pushed him forward.

"Don't give me that look, it was his idea."

"Hey!" Marcus pushed his father figure to face his uncle.

Leo extended his right arm, "the bionics are just in my arm."

"Oh yeah I forgot to mention that you have strength, so try not to use your arm for a couple of days." Douglas suggested.

"This just got better!"

Donald tug on his brother's arm and motioned Tasha to the lab. The adults left the kids upstairs while they resolved their differences.

"Okay what should we do now?" Bree asked.

Chase stood in thought for a moment. "I got it!"

He took out his phone to dial Jack. Chase arranged a few things with him that left his siblings curious.

"So?" Bree asked, she was impatient like the rest.

Chase smiled in excitement, "get ready, 'cause at two the party starts in Jack's house."


Jack had called over Logan, they were both setting up for the party.

"Wow, I can't believe summer's almost over." Logan reached for a white table cloth and placed it over the dining table.

"Yeah, time flies by fast," Jack was placing a few wall decorations, yet stopped. "You know what I just realized."

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