Chapter Thirty-One: The Quidditch World Cup

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Elysian Potter: The Forgotten Queen.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, nor do I own the original idea for this story. All rights for the characters go to the magnificent J. K. Rowling and the original idea belongs to CharmedMilliE-Karry Master.

Elysian's Theme Song: You Should See Me In A Crown, Billie Ellis – Castle, Hasley – The Devil Within, Digital Daggers – Don't Make Me, MALINDA – Doll House, Melanie Martinez.

Chapter Thirty-One: The Quidditch World Cup

Sirius had happily allowed Elysian to remain at Malfoy Manor after the ball while he and Remus went to the moors to find some werewolf packs – they had theorised that Dumbledore may have been trying to recruit werewolves and wanted to warn them. Narcissa had quickly taken Elysian under her wing and escorted her to the West Wing of the Manor where the Library and her room was located.

"Sirius said you enjoyed reading," Narcissa had said when Elysian had pointed out that the Library was literally next to her room.

Elysian was placed in a giant room with a stained-glass door leading to a balcony that overlooked Narcissa's immaculate rose gardens. The entire room was coloured in Slytherin Greens and Silvers and warmed the heart of Elysian whenever she looked at it. She had a walk-in closet and a pool-sized bathroom which was engraved with dragons and, of course, peacocks – the Malfoy family animal.

One morning, Draco came barging into her room, practically screaming with joy, while yelling at her to wake up and get dressed as quickly as she could. He didn't dare mention what had brought such a reaction from him and that annoyed her as she was pushed into the bathroom, where an elf had laid out a magnificent green gown with a choker attached.

Once she was dressed, Draco dragged her downstairs where she was sat in a chair in the dining room where Narcissa and Lucius were eating breakfast. Draco was bouncing up and down in his chair as Elysian and the Malfoy parents ate their pancakes and strawberries but eventually, Lucius had had enough and decided to explain Draco's excitement.

"Cornelius Fudge has invited us to the Quidditch World Cup, tonight. In the Minister's box," said Lucius, placing his utensils on his plate.

Elysian's face lit up like a Christmas tree and she was suddenly just as excited as Draco. Narcissa sent her a look, which allowed her to calm down and return to her lady-like decorum but smiled and chuckled along with Lucius at their antics.

"We'll be travelling, by personal portkey, in three hours. Most have had to arrive six weeks in advance, as to not alert the Muggles, but we'll be portkeying right in front of our tent."

After breakfast, both Draco and Elysian – who had to change first – went to their personal Quidditch pitch for some practice, as well as to geek out without annoying their current guardians. They zoomed around the pitch at top speed as Draco cried out in joy and excitement.


After the three hours were up, Draco and Elysian ran to find Lucius and Narcissa, who was waiting for them in the parlour. They both smiled at the antics of the children before sobering and quickly informing them of how things shall be at the World Cup.

"Now, I must warn you that when the event ends, other Death Eaters and I shall be... celebrating rather publicly," said Lucius, holding out the portkey – which was a piece of parchment. "Narcissa shall be leaving before such an event occurs but you two will be unable to."

"Why?" asked Elysian.

She had never been one for carnage and fighting, preferring to end a battle before it had even begun, as was the way of Slytherins. Draco, however, was happy that he would be able to see the Death Eater's march on unsuspecting blood traitors and muggle-borns – as long as they weren't Hermione.

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