Chapter Twenty-Three: Talons and Tea Leaves

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Elysian Potter: The Forgotten Queen.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, nor do I own the original idea for this story. All rights for the characters go to the magnificent J. K. Rowling and the original idea belongs to CharmedMilliE-Karry Master.

Note: For those reading on, the previous chapters have all been updated and changed so you may want to go back and reread the old chapters otherwise you'll be very confused.

Elysian's Theme Song: You Should See Me In A Crown, Billie Ellis – Castle, Hasley – The Devil Within, Digital Daggers

Chapter Twenty-Three: Talons and Tea Leaves

When Elysian woke up the next morning after the incident, she was immediately ushered into Professor Snape's office where both he and Remus were waiting. The tension in the room was thick enough to cut with a butter knife but it evaporated the moment Blaise led her into the office. Snape had an array of potions lined up on his desk, all of which Remus had told him to create, and was passing them to Remus so he could pick which ones Elysian needed. She wondered why she hadn't been taken to Poppy Pomphrey – the school nurse – but that question was soon answered when Snape pulled out a memory blocking potion. It was basically a liquid version of the Obliviate curse and the only reason she even knew what it was, was because she had been offered it once before... a long time ago.

"No," said Elysian, the moment her eyes landed on the familiar white brew.

Remus and Snape both looked at each other, a silent conversation taking place within the minds of the Professor who once, and probably still, hated each other. Elysian knew they were probably questioning her knowledge of the potion, knew that it was being added to a list of questions that had been piling up since she was younger, but she couldn't bring herself to care.

"Elysian, are you sure you want to remember this? It could damage you for the rest of your life," said Remus, tenderly.

The potion had yet to leave his hand, he was hoping that she would change her mind and drink it.

"The past must be learned and remembered lest it be repeated," said Elysian, giving both men a hard look. "I don't care how this will affect me. I just want to remember it, I need to remember it."

Snape, very clearly, disagreed with this statement. Remus, slightly less clearly, disagreed with this statement. Elysian, rather obviously, made it clear they didn't have to agree with the statement. They didn't have a choice.

"Very well," said Snape, his usual drawl bringing her comfort and reaffirming her resolve.


Elysian was escorted into the Great Hall by Blaise and Daphne as Draco had already left early to mock Harry without having to worry about mocking Elysian. Ginny was roaring about getting a resort to anyone who would hear her and Elysian found her voice was grating on the already frayed nerves that had snapped the night before.

She ate breakfast in silence, Blaise keeping a firm hand on her waist despite her being perfectly fine now, and accepted her timetable with little hassle as Snape handed them out. Elysian was disgusted to find that her first lesson was Divination. She had no way of knowing who her class would be with – it was an option so most classes were collapsed and not sorted by house – but she theorised that Harry would, probably, be in her class as Divination was known as an easy 'O'.

The Hall was starting to empty as people headed off towards their first lesson.

Draco was the one who took her arm this time – Blaise and Daphne had Arithmancy – and led her out of the Great Hall towards the North Tower. Crabbe and Goyle were trailing behind them with their usual vacant expressions and people were quick to move out of their way upon seeing who Draco was with.

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