Chapter Two: The Journey from Platform Nine and Three-Quarters.

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Elysian Potter: The Forgotten Queen.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, nor d I own the original idea for this story. All rights for the characters go to the magnificent J. K. Rowling and the original idea belongs to CharmedMilliE-Karry Master.

Note: This story has been rewritten because I didn't think it was really up to my standards and I honestly forgot half of the subplots I was supposed to be adding into this story so I'm rewriting it all.

Elysian's Theme Song: You Should See Me In A Crown, Billie Ellis

Chapter Two: The Journey from Platform Nine and Three-Quarters.

Elysian's last month with the Potter's was pure torture: the moment Lily and James discovered Ares they were enraged and had tried many times to get rid of the panther cub. Harry was jealous that such a strong and powerful symbol of Gryffindor house wasn't his and had argued with their parents for hours on end trying to get Ares for himself only to end up bitten when he tried to pet him. Ares seemed to have caught onto his mother's hatred for all things Potter and eagerly growled whenever the last name was mentioned or whenever one of them came into Elysian's bedroom.

The Houselves avoided Elysian's bedroom all together now: Ares had caught a houself cleaning the bathroom and had pounced on the poor thing, terrifying her. Elysian had ordered all houselves away from her room after that, for their safety and for Ares' peace of mind. The small panther, while only a cub, was much more powerful than people thought and didn't seem to know his own strength with the amount of scratches and bites Elysian received from him. She wasn't angry though... how could she be? he was too cute!

Ronald had made his displeasure of the new panther known when he and his family arrived a few days before they were to leave for Hogwarts. The red-haired weasel had tried petting Ares from behind and had ended up with a massive gash down his arm for his troubles. Ronald had almost pulled out his wand to curse the poor baby when Elysian picked Ares up by the scruff and placed him in her arms – Ares purring loudly the whole time. Mrs Weasley had been enraged that her son had been damaged by the 'beast' and had ordered Lily and James to remove it from the house only for Elysian to inform her – in her politest tone and with eyes of sever insincerity – that Lily and James couldn't remove Ares because he wasn't their bonded familiar and how she was sorry that Ronald got hurt but he shouldn't have tried to pet Ares without her present.

The twins had been ecstatic to find out that Elysian had a panther cub. They had snuck round almost everyday after receiving her coded letter to play with Ares and snuggle with him. Ares had enjoyed all the attention he was receiving but would immediately growl at the pair if they tried any types of prank on Elysian. It seemed the small panther cub was, in fact, very over-protective of his adopted mother. Not that Elysian minded.

When the faithful, and highly anticipated, day arrived Elysian helped Ares into his crate and quickly got dressed into some presentable clothing. Her family always travelled by limousine to the train station so she knew she was free to speak with Draco and Neville without the fear of her parents stepping in. It's what her parents usually did when she tried speaking to someone they didn't approve or someone they wanted to build an alliance with.

Turns out, the Potters and Longbottoms had had an alliance for over thirty years. It was one of the things James was the most proud of, though Lady Longbottom was not: it seemed she blamed James for what happened to her son and daughter-in-law and his current attitude wasn't helping her like him anymore. She was, quite naturally, angry that James brushed off the attack on the Longbottoms as nothing because He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named hadn't been the one to attack them. Augusta was actually considering breaking the alliance until someone else became Head of House but she didn't have the authority to do such as it required two adult members to break an alliance.

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