Chapter Twenty-Five: Black and Red

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Elysian Potter: The Forgotten Queen.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, nor do I own the original idea for this story. All rights for the characters go to the magnificent J. K. Rowling and the original idea belongs to CharmedMilliE-Karry Master.

Note: For those reading on, the previous chapters have all been updated and changed so you may want to go back and reread the old chapters otherwise you'll be very confused.

Elysian's Theme Song: You Should See Me In A Crown, Billie Ellis – Castle, Hasley – The Devil Within, Digital Daggers

Chapter Twenty-Five: Black and Red.

After the Boggart lesson, Elysian had instantly wanted to be alone. She was quick to rush from the Staffroom and down the nearest secret passage before collapsing against the wall. She could hear Blaise and Daphne chasing after her but they stopped the moment she disappeared, giving her time to breath and focus on the matter at hand.

Blaise was in love with her. She had to admit, she did like Blaise, a lot, and he was always a perfect gentleman to her. He was sweet and supportive but he was almost too sweet. Tom, on the other hand, was more aggressive, had more in common with her – from what she had seen from the little time she had spent with him. She had seen the fiery passion in his eyes when he spoke and he seemed so interesting and intriguing. He was also dead... at least for now.

Elysian could accept Blaise as her boyfriend as well as wait for Tom but she didn't want to reduce Blaise to anything more than a stand-in. Perhaps she could be with him on a... trial bases, so she could decide whether or not to remain with him in the long run. Yes, that's what she would do.

Getting up, it was only now that her head was clear that she noticed where she had hidden. This passage was one she had never actually seen before when exploring Hogwarts. It was incredibly dusty like no one had set foot inside it in years, apart from a trail of paw prints leading further down. She knew it was idiotic, and rather Gryffindor, to go into the darkness alone but she was intrigued and if there was even a possibility of finding her Uncle then she would do it.

Muttering a quick "Lumos!" under her breath, Elysian began moving down the corridor, her eyes jumping from left to right, scanning every crack and stone as she passed. Her breathing was uneasy and rather laboured as the corridor ended and a door appeared in front of her.

The door was the only thing in the entire corridor that looked as if it had been touched in centuries. The doorknob was made of silver and was covered in fingerprints and some drops of blood. The wood looked to be perfectly fine despite Elysian hearing dripping water close by and it was entirely solid so she had no way of seeing what was waiting inside.

Gently, Elysian gripped the doorknob, her wand ready to fire, and pulled the door open. The bright light of her wand illuminated every part of the room and her emerald eyes instantly zoomed in on the sleeping dog in the corner of the room. The dog was up and barking within seconds but the barking stopped when he inhaled.

Elysian stepped inside and closed the door, turning her back on the dog for a second. When she turned back there was a man standing in front of her with tears in his eyes and a thin, ripped robe barely covering his stick-like torso. Elysian didn't even care as she threw her arms around the man and let fresh tears flood down her pale cheeks in a tsunami.

"My baby girl," Sirius sobbed, pulling her further into his chest. "My baby girl."

"I can't believe you're here," said Elysian, pulling back with a watery smile. "How did you escape?"

Sirius just smiled sitting down and pulling her onto his lap as he began to pet her hair. Elysian was still crying tears of relief and was snuggling into Sirius' chest, trying to hide her vulnerability.

"That doesn't matter," said Sirius, tightening his grip around her, "it doesn't matter. What matters is I'm out and we're together again."

They remained quiet for a few more minutes before Elysian finally spoke once more.

"Sirius, I'm in Slytherin," said Elysian, flinching away from Sirius as if he was going to hit her.

Sirius just laughed and hugged her, shocking Elysian as she had often remembered his rants about Slytherins.

"You're okay with it?"

"You've always been drawn to the deep ocean, to the dark whisper," said Sirius, kissing her forehead.

She knew he was referring not just to Peter but to James and Lily as well. They had practically thrown him to the wolves after he was found guilty of murdering Peter and twelve muggles.

"What are you doing here, anyway?" asked Elysian. "You could have run far away."

"Because Peter Pettigrew is alive and he's at Hogwarts," said Sirius.

"What? How? Why?"

Sirius took a deep breath and pulled his tattered robe further around himself. He gave her a soft smile and moved her so that she was sitting in front of him. It was only now, when he was fully illuminated by her wand, that she noticed how worn he looked. His eyes were sunken in and black bags weighed heavily under them and his face was jaundiced, he looked like a light breeze could blow him down and his skin looked thin enough that a blunt butter knife could cut it like it was nothing.

"I saw a picture of the Weasley family in the paper. Their youngest son, Ronaldo or something, was holding a rat in his hands... a rat missing a toe."

Elysian's eyes widened in revelation: "The only thing left of him was his toe!"

"Exactly! I think he's here to spy on you and Harry until You-Know-Who returns. I came here to finish him off and protect you both."

"And what happens if you get caught?" asked Elysian, a new concern appearing at the forefront of her mind. "Did you plan for that?"


"And to think you came from a Slytherin family," said Elysian with a soft smirk. "Okay, I want you to listen. If you're caught and the Minister is called, I want you to claim Sanctuary under the Gryffindor name."

Sirius stared at her, inquisition written all over his face, prompting her to elaborate.

"As a possible heir to the Gryffindor line, I can accept a plea of Sanctuary, especially as you're my Godfather. It means I can demand a trial for you and keep you safe from the Ministry and the Dementors."

"Why didn't James do this for me?"

"...He and Lily... they wanted to distance themselves from you... something along the lines of not wanting to associate with a murderous Black who was just as insane as his sister."

Elysian honestly wished she had lied because the look of utter devastation Sirius was giving her broke her heart.

Casting a quick "Tempus!" Elysian gaped and stood up. Sirius didn't say anything, simply gave her a quick hug and sent her off with a smile and a promise from her that she would see him again soon.

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