Chapter Nine: The Worst Birthday.

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Elysian Potter: The Forgotten Queen

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, nor do I own the Original Idea for this story. All rights for the characters go to the magnificent J. K. Rowling and the Original idea for the fiction belongs to CharmedMilliE-Karry Master.

Elysian's Theme Song: Castle – Hasley

Chapter Nine: The Worst Birthday

Elysian had been dreading this day for some time now. She, of course, had always dreaded her birthday, after all it wasn't as if she had ever, truly, celebrated it with anyone other than her personal House-Elf Tiana. In all honesty, Elysian would have been so much happier if she could forget this day existed all together and erase it from history – alas this deed was not possible ... yet.

The reason for her dread was simple: the week before her birthday, she had overheard Lily and James discussing the event in a large amount of detail. They had hoped to use this day – the day they had usually always forgotten when it revolved around her and not their darling Harry – to persuade Elysian into thinking in a similar way to themselves. As always, Elysian had expected this – she knew this was a possibility even before she had left Hogwarts and had prepared herself for the constant barrage of questions she had received once she'd returned to the Potter Prison – but she had been hoping to avoid it today. She, sadly, had been an idiot to assume that they'd have any kind of tact when it came to 'their daughter' though it did surprise her that they'd risk ruining Harry's Birthday for her.

They're getting desperate, she thought, or they're being prompted, especially since their last few attempts have ended in failure.

The glare of the sun hitting her mirror temporarily drew Elysian from her thoughts. Ares hissed in annoyance as the panther attempted to shield his eyes from the offending ball of light that had woken him. He was now much larger than before, taking up the entire width of her bedroom door and a bit more. Ares had adopted a guardian space in front of her door after one of Lily's failed plans.

Lily had managed to sneak into Elysian's room while the young girl had been sleeping with the intention of pouring a potion down the young girl's throat only to have accidently stood on Ares' tail, gaining a bite for her trouble. Lily had, of course, dropped the potion and yelled in pain, waking Elysian who had swiped the potion before Lily could even think of grabbing it first. The older woman had stammered out a few words about 'tucking Elysian into bed' before fleeing to have her leg treated. The next morning, Elysian had sent the potion off to Malfoy Manor to be examined by Professor Snape who had proclaimed that this potion was a liquid form of the Imperious Curse.

The revelation that, despite claiming to be all about free will and wanting to protect, Lily and James had been willing to drug their own daughter to get what they wanted came as no surprise to Elysian – she had expected them to try something and had placed enough precautions that even if Lily had been successful, that success would have only guaranteed them a place in Azkaban – so she'd already had plans in place, just in case.

For example: Elysian no longer ate any food that was prepared by any House-Elf other than Tiana. It had upset the poor House-elves before hand but they quickly understood after James had ordered them to place a potion in any food that Elysian would eat; nor did she accept any items of clothing that hadn't been checked for charms, jinxes, hexes and curses from anyone. By doing this alone, Elysian had managed to foil several plans made by not only James and Lily but also Molly and Dumbledore.

Of course, her new stance on these subjects had caused some, rather large, arguments between Elysian and her parents but there was nothing either of them could truly do to her. All she'd have to do – and she'd made them aware of this – is give someone the memory of Lily sneaking into her room with that potion and Lily would be in prison in an instant, fame be damned. After that, they had stopped trying head on attacks – Elysian and Draco had laughed at that, claiming that it was shocked that Gryffindor's could learn after all.

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