Chapter Thirty-Six: Beauxbatons and Durmstrang and The Goblet of Fire

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Elysian Potter: The Forgotten Queen.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, nor do I own the original idea for this story. All rights for the characters go to the magnificent J. K. Rowling and the original idea belongs to CharmedMilliE-Karry Master.

Elysian's Theme Song: You Should See Me In A Crown, Billie Eilish– Castle, Hasley – The Devil Within, Digital Daggers – Don't Make Me, MALINDA – Doll House, Melanie Martinez – Prom Queen, Molly Kate Kestner – Everybody's Fool, Evanescence.

Chapter Thirty-Six: Beauxbatons and Durmstrang and The Goblet of Fire

Elysian had been avoiding Moody (Or Barty) like the Plague ever since the reveal that she knew who he was. She was constantly kicking herself for giving away such an important advantage so quickly after discovering it. Ever since then, she had been attempting to find a way to excuse herself from his lessons without drawing attention to herself, but so far had been incapable of finding one and even Hogwarts herself had no way to help her. Of course, Elysian knew that she was on the side of the Dark Lord but she had no idea if Barty knew that, or if Barty was still a loyal supporter of Voldemort; especially as he turned up at Hogwarts as Moody and seemed to be protecting her brother – that and his hatred for other Death Eaters and their ilk.

Her next lesson with the imposter was fast approaching and everyone could tell that she was on edge. Daphne, being her usual empathetic self, had asked her what was wrong but had received nothing more than a quick 'I'm fine' before Elysian once again went back to communicating with Hogwarts.

The castle, surprisingly, revealed a lot of information about the headmaster that was useful to the young Slytherin. Apparently, Dumbledore had a variety of 'Dark' objects hidden within the tower behind his office, as well as monitoring equipment for both Harry and herself, though once Sirius had claimed her under the protection of House Black the monitors had been destroyed. He was also constantly speaking to his 'Order' about Voldemort and the eventual return, as well as creating plans to BRING HIM BACK. It appeared that Dumbledore was no longer content with how much power he had lost since the first war and his appointment as Headmaster and was planning to regain control... by any means necessary. That meant Elysian had to be extra careful when dealing with him. After all, it was she who defeated Voldemort and therefore it was her alone who could resurrect him... or at least that was what Hogwarts had told her.

During one afternoon, Elysian had snuck down to the Chamber and had recovered the Basilisk egg she had once been forced to abandon. Its shell was harder than diamond and glowed when her hand touched it, making it difficult to return to her dorm without detection but with a little help from Hogwarts, she hadn't been spotted. The egg couldn't hatch, though, not yet anyway and probably wouldn't be able to for quite a while due to it needing constant contact with its master. Elysian placed the egg securely in her trunk and Kreature made sure to take her trunk away for safety.


The Lesson Elysian had been dreading had arrived and she was seriously debating fainting in order to get out of it but that would attract the attention of Dumbledore and she'd rather not do that at all. Blaise remained by her side and made sure they had constant physical contact – it was mostly to make him better because he believed he was making her feel better and Elysian didn't have the heart to correct him.

To the surprise of every Slytherin fourth-year, Professor Imposter announced that he would be placing the Imperius curse on each of them in turn, to demonstrate its power and to see whether they could resist the effects.

Professor Imposter called each student out, using the register. It was rather hilarious watching different students perform acts that they would never do in their normal state. Daphne ended up singing 'I'm a little teapot' while hopping on one leg, Crabbe did his own imitation of a crab, Goyle spoke fluent German (no one even knew he knew German) and Draco acted like a ferret – seems Professor Imposter hadn't let go of the ferret thing yet.

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