Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Great Escape

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Elysian Potter: The Forgotten Queen.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, nor do I own the original idea for this story. All rights for the characters go to the magnificent J. K. Rowling and the original idea belongs to CharmedMilliE-Karry Master.

Elysian's Theme Song: You Should See Me In A Crown, Billie Ellis – Castle, Hasley – The Devil Within, Digital Daggers

Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Great Escape.

Sirius and Elysian waited two days before attempting to make their escape from Hogwarts. The Professors had been on high alert and patrols had been increased to an almost suffocating degree. Prefects were no longer allowed to patrol alone and Professors were constantly checking in to make sure everything was fine and well.

Snape had done his best to give Elysian the schedule Dumbledore and McGonagall had created but each hour, the schedule seemed to change. It was eventually decided – by Elysian and without the knowledge of anyone else – that she would simply take her chances.

Elysian refused to lose her uncle again.

The moment curfew came about, Elysian was out of bed and heading towards the Chamber of Secrets. She had discovered that the Chamber had several entrances and many linked to the Slytherin Common Room. Climbing out of the tunnel, Elysian crept down the hall – her notice-me-not charm was strong but she didn't trust someone not to see through it – towards the staff-room.

Feet came storming down the corridor towards her and Elysian felt her breath hitch as she dove into the nearest alcove. Peaking around the corner, she watched with a held breath as Professor Sprout and Professor Flitwick rushed passed her while talking in hushed tones. She didn't release that breath until she was sure they were gone and even then, she didn't dare move until at least a few minutes had passed.

Elysian shuffled further down the corridor but stopped in front of the staff-room, hearing two very familiar voices inside.

"Where do you think Sirius could be hiding?" Dumbledore inquired.

She refrained from growling as she listened to his tone. It was the same tone he had often used on Elysian was she was younger: the tone of the affectionate grandfather that only wanted what was best for you. It was a probing tone that was wrapped in a blanket of encouragement and familial pride.

"We've looked everywhere that we usually hung out," Remus replied.

He was tired, Elysian could tell from the slur of his speech. Dumbledore had been pushing Remus more than anyone else when it came to discovering Sirius' current location.

"Yes, but is there anywhere else?"

"The Marauder's Map could tell you," said Remus, frustration becoming clear.

"Both Harry and I have looked over the map for hours but his name never appears on it," said Dumbledore. "Is there anywhere in the castle that doesn't appear on the map?"

Elysian stopped listening once she was sure that neither of them were going to come towards the door. Slowly, she walked towards the hidden corridor and threw herself inside. Perfect timing too since Dumbledore and Remus then came charging out of the staff-room to follow after Professor's Sprout and Flitwick.

Sirius was waiting for her when she opened the door. She quickly cast a notice-me-not spell over him and motioned for him to follow her. Elysian was glad that the moon gave them enough light to see as they crept through the halls and towards one of the entrances to the Chamber.

Hurrying inside, Elysian grinned at her Godfather and the two relaxed a small amount.

"Why not just allow me to stay here?" Sirius asked as they entered the main part of the Chamber.

"Because you wouldn't be able to get in and out without me," explained Elysian, "and, since Harry's a parseltongue, there's always a chance that he'll enter the Chamber, despite the warning of Lady Slytherin."

"I didn't think Remus and Snape would let me be removed so quickly," said Sirius, his eyes scanning the Chamber with intrigue.

"They didn't..."


"I may have snuck out ... without their knowledge ..."

"Elysian!" cried Sirius, "I can't even be mad because that's exactually what I'd do."

"Love you..."

"I love you too pup."

Elysian found the correct exit and grinned, opening it with a few simple words. From this position, they had a direct run towards the Whomping Willow. Sirius was quick to transform into Padfoot for an extra layer of protection and Elysian had her wand poised for the Patronus – which she still couldn't do without passing out but Remus had said that it was because of how powerful that Patronus was.

Entering the Shrieking Shack, Sirius transformed once again and the two finally began to relax. Until they saw someone else enter the Shack. Professor Snape stood at the entrance with a grim expression on his already grim face and the two felt their hearts drop.

"He knows you're here Black," said Snape, "he's already summoned the Ministry and the Aurors are on their way."

"What? How?" gaped Elysian, "I was careful!"

"I have no idea but I need to get you back to the common room before Potter is woken to look at that map of his. If they discover that you're missing, they'll link you two together."

Elysian nodded, hugging Sirius goodbye before turning to follow Snape.

"Sirius, remember what I said, call for Sanctuary until the Gryffindor Name, and I'll protect you," said Elysian before she and Snape disappeared.

Snape and Elysian rushed into the common room as quickly as they physically could. Elysian entered her dorm and felt tears burn at her eyes. She had been so close to saving her godfather and one mistake had ruined everything.

"Wait here," said Snape. "Dumbledore will, no doubt, want you to be present at the execution and I'll be the one sent to retrieve you."

"Then I best present myself as if I've just been woken up."



Note: For those who are wondering why there are two chapter twenty-eights, I'm currently rewriting this story and this is one of my new chapters that I'm adding. There will be more updates like this as I go along so eventually there will be normal chapter numbers but since this is just the beginning this is what you've got. 

Thank you to everyone that is waiting and is patient when it comes to updates. Thank you to everyone that is still reading and is rereading, I love you all and I want you to know that I'm hoping to finish this book by January of 2022, at most. 


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