Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Patronus of a Queen.

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Elysian Potter: The Forgotten Queen.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, nor do I own the original idea for this story. All rights for the characters go to the magnificent J. K. Rowling and the original idea belongs to CharmedMilliE-Karry Master.

Note: For those reading on, the previous chapters have all been updated and changed so you may want to go back and reread the old chapters otherwise you'll be very confused.

Elysian's Theme Song: You Should See Me In A Crown, Billie Ellis – Castle, Hasley – The Devil Within, Digital Daggers

Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Patronus of a Queen.

It wasn't that Remus didn't trust ELysian when she said she was alright... okay, it was completely the fact Remus didn't trust Elysian when she said she was alright... so he was following her. Both he and Severus had noticed that she was slipping away from her friends – and boyfriend but they'd speak about that later – more and more since her exposure to the Boggart and he was beginning to worry that he had pushed her too far by making her go first.

He followed her down the corridor towards the staff room and Remus wondered if she had been trying to face her fear when she walked right past it and then disappeared. It wasn't as if she had apparated, which would have been impossible anyway or put on an invisibility cloak, which was in Harry's possession, she just disappeared. Slowly, Remus allowed the wolf part of him to take control and inhaled, trying to find her scent trail – which he did, it just led into what seemed like a brick wall.

Brows furrowed in confusion, Remus gently placed his hand against the wall and was shocked when it just slid right through. Realising that this was just an illusion, Remus closed his eyes and stepped right through the wall only to find a very dusty corridor on the other side. His sensitive nose itched but he didn't dare make a sound as he followed Elysian's scent trail towards the door, which had been left open. Remus quickly stepped inside and was shocked at what he saw within:

Elysian was sitting in the lap of a man with long mangy hair. The man was playing with her hair while telling her a story but that immediately stopped when Remus entered. Both he and the man locked eyes and Remus' eyes widened in a mixture of shock, relief and anger.


Sirius moved Elysian out of his lap and raised his hands, thinking that Remus was going to attack him, as Remus moved towards him.

"Remus! I-I I didn't kill those people! I-I mean I wanted to kill Wormtail but-but –!"

Remus didn't care about what Sirius was saying, instead, he just jumped forward and wrapped his own thin arms around Sirius' shoulders. Elysian was grinning from her place by the door – she had known Remus was following her, he wasn't as sneaky as he thought he was and had been planning this for a while. Both men were now sobbing their heads off in each other's arms as their grips on each other tightened.

"I don't care that you killed those people! I don't care that you didn't! I care that you're okay and that you're safe and here!" said Remus when they finally released each other.


"Sirius, Peter betrayed us and almost got Lily and James killed. Even if you did kill those twelve muggles in the process, I wouldn't have cared. War has casualties."

More tears began running down Sirius' cheeks upon hearing the words of his best friend and he pulled Remus in once more for a tight hug.

"...But wait, why wasn't this revealed at your trial?"

"Because he didn't get one," said Elysian, finally re-joining them. "I checked after I found him. Dumbledore, James and Lily used their votes and power to condemn him."

Remus didn't want to believe what he was hearing but he knew that it was true. It made so much sense. After Sirius had been put in Azkaban, James and Lily had ushered him out of the country on Dumbledore's orders so he could find some werewolf packs. He had resisted, wanting to remain closer to his own pack in their time of need, but was convinced when Dumbledore had mentioned Sirius.

"Why would they do that? We were family!" hissed Remus, the wolf within howling in rage at the obvious betrayal.

"Because they didn't want to be associated with a dark family anymore," growled Sirius.

Elysian watched the pair before wrapping her own arms around them and pulling them into a group hug. Sirius then explain what he was even doing in the castle in the first place, much to Remus' internal rage.

"We need to get you out of the castle," said Remus after a few minutes.

"Not without Peter!" hissed Sirius.

"Sirius, he's right. Leave Wormtail to Remus and I, you need to get to safety... but how are we going to get him past the Dementors?"

Remus thought for a moment before grinning: "The Patronus Charm."

Sirius' face twisted into a look of shame and embarrassment.

"I can't conjure a Patronus," he mumbled softly. "Not after being in Azkaban for twelve years... I've got no happy memories left, apart from these ones."

"Then how did you get here in the first place?"

"You used Padfoot," said Remus in realisation.

"Your animagus form! But that won't work a second time," said Elysian, "Dementors are many things but they aren't stupid. The moment they realised animagi could slip past them they will have made their searches far more detailed."

Remus nodded in agreement and Sirius just groaned in annoyance, his Gryffindor self-awakening in the presence of his best friend.

"Maybe I could sneak Sirius out," said Elysian. "Everyone would be expecting Remus to help you and they have no idea that I know you so..."

Sirius was shaking his head but Remus couldn't see a flaw in this plan... except one.

"Do you know the Patronus Charm?" he asked.


"No then."


Remus nodded and pulled out his wand, ready to show her what she should do. Sirius wanted to object but he quickly realised that Elysian would probably need to learn the Patronus Charm anyway, so he allowed her to continue.

"Repeat after me. Expecto Patronum!"

A beautiful white wolf came sprinting from the tip of his wand and ran around the room. It illuminated everything as it rubbed its head against Sirius' leg and sniffed Elysian's hand. It then disappeared as if it had never been there.

Elysian pulled out her wand and thought of the happiest moment in her life – the day she had been sorted into Slytherin – before casting the spell: "Expecto Patronum!"

It took a few seconds but suddenly her wand illuminated and out of it came a form that was the size of the entire room and seemed to want to grow bigger. It had scales, sharp teeth, horns and wings! Remus and Sirius gasped in surprise, it was a dragon! Specifically a Hungarian Horntail.

The Dragon Patronus just sniffed at the two men before disappearing once more leaving Elysian to almost faint into Remus' arms.

"What's wrong with her?" asked Sirius, concern laced in every word.

"She's just tired," said Remus, "her core isn't as large as Harry's since he was first born but she'll be fine. I'll take her to bed."



For those of you who want to know what her Patronus means just leave me a comment and I'll tell you or you can think of it what you will. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

Shout Out to Kai/Malia3587 for Best Pun and Madison/Madison2094 forKickin

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