Chapter Twenty-One: The Leaky Cauldron

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Elysian Potter: The Forgotten Queen.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, nor do I own the original idea for this story. All rights for the characters go to the magnificent J. K. Rowling and the original idea belongs to CharmedMilliE-Karry Master.

Note: For those reading on, the previous chapters have all been updated and changed so you may want to go back and reread the old chapters otherwise you'll be very confused.

Elysian's Theme Song: You Should See Me In A Crown, Billie Ellis – Castle, Hasley – The Devil Within, Digital Daggers

Chapter Twenty-One: The Leaky Cauldron

Waking up the next morning, Elysian wasn't surprised to find herself snuggled into Ares' fur. The black panther had curled around her in the middle of the night it seemed and was purring in contentment as she began stroking his back. Her burning red-hair was sprawled all over the pillow and Ares seemed to be doing his best not to get any of her hair caught under his paws or in his claws.

"We should probably get up, shouldn't we?" asked Elysian.

Ares huffed in annoyance and slowly, in protest, stood up, returning to his crate with a huff. Elysian just chuckled at him and threw the duvet off of her, pulling on some robes and brushing her hair afterwards before pulling open the door and heading downstairs for breakfast.

There weren't many people in the Leaky Cauldron this morning. Most people were either heading into Diagon Alley or were asking about the night life. It meant Elysian was free to pick her own table, which she did near the back of the room in case someone she recognised came in and she didn't want to see them, and Tom was very quick to get some food over to her with a smile.

"I hope you don't mind Ares," said Elysian when Tom was dropping the food off. "He's very well behaved but I know some people aren't comfortable with a massive panther in their place of work."

Tom just smiled at her, not seeming faced at all when he remembered the feline upstairs.

"No, as long as he stays upstairs," said Tom before rushing off back to the bar.

Elysian nodded happily and continued munching away on her bacon when the door to the Leaky Cauldron opened. Two very familiar platinum blondes came strolling inside and were immediately seen to by Tom, who didn't really care that he was ignoring customers for them. Draco's eyes scanned the entire area and landed on Elysian within an instant.

"Elysian? What are you doing here?" asked Draco, gracefully walking over to her.

Lucius noticed her as well and waved Tom away so that he could join his son. Elysian had just finished her breakfast and quickly stood to hug Draco.

"Lily, James and I had a fight so I left and came here," said Elysian.

"What – if you don't mind sharing – was this fight about?" asked Lucius, lowering himself into a chair.

"They tried to trick me into signing a betrothal contract but I signed it with my right hand so it was rejected."

Both Lucius and Draco's faces seemed to flush red with rage – it was the most colour either of them had ever had in their faces – before Lucius began to speak again.

"Even if you had signed it with your proper hand," said Lucius, his pearly teeth gritted. "It would have been rejected anyway as you are Lady Slytherin as well as Heiress Gryffindor. No one can force a contract upon you, nor can you sign yourself away as it would need to be you who procured the contract, not the Potters."

"That would have been good to know before hand," said Elysian.

Lucius glanced at the clock above Elysian's head and sighed, standing up with the help of his trusty cane.

"Perhaps, you would like to accompany Draco and I into Diagon Alley?"

"I would be delighted," said Elysian, smiling.

Lucius nodded and motioned for Draco to take her arm, which he did, and soon all three of them were strolling into Diagon Alley. No one dared look in their direction, unless they recognised Elysian, especially when they turned towards Knockturn Alley. Draco gave Elysian a nervous look – probably trying to gage her reaction to their little outing – but that look faded when he saw how undisturbed Elysian looked.

They turned into a shop called 'Borgin and Burks' and Lucius was quickly served by the man at the counter. Elysian looked around and mentally catalogued each and every 'dark' or cursed item that was on display. The Hand of Glory was encased in glass next to them, as well a cursed necklace that wouldn't look out of place in the Black Family Vault.

"Are you okay?" asked Draco, "with all this I mean."

"Draco has your father told you about what happened last year?" asked Elysian.

"Yes... I still can't believe you met the Dark Lord," said Draco, his voice a low whisper.

"Well believe it," said Elysian with a smirk.

Draco nodded, without hesitation, and continued to look around at the people outside the shop. His face was twisted into an expression of disgust until Elysian slapped the back of his head in annoyance.

"What was that for?!?"

"Stop staring," hissed Elysian.

"Why? It's not like anyone cares who's down here," said Draco, rubbing the back of his neck, "this is the only shop down here that sells these sorts of items."

"And who told you that?" asked Lucius, returning towards them.

His face was impassive but both Draco and Elysian knew that they were about to be either scolded or praised for their actions.

"You did," said Draco, looking down bashfully.

"Look around you," said Lucius, gesturing to the buildings on Knockturn Alley, "we're all liars here, and every one of us is better than you. There are far more shops like this down this alley, Draco, I simply didn't tell you about them because I knew you'd want to see them all and they aren't places young men should enter."

After that, they returned to the Leaky Cauldron and Lucius, graciously, offered to house Ares while she was at Hogwarts. Elysian was happy to accept the offer and then bid both Draco and Lucius goodbye before returning to her room.

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