Chapter Thirty: Ball at Malfoy Manor

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Elysian Potter: The Forgotten Queen.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, nor do I own the original idea for this story. All rights for the characters go to the magnificent J. K. Rowling and the original idea belongs to CharmedMilliE-Karry Master.

Note: For those reading on, the previous chapters have all been updated and changed so you may want to go back and reread the old chapters otherwise you'll be very confused.

Elysian's Theme Song: You Should See Me In A Crown, Billie Ellis – Castle, Hasley – The Devil Within, Digital Daggers – Don't Make Me, MALINDA – Doll House, Melanie Martinez.

Chapter Thirty: Ball at Malfoy Manor

For the first time in her life, Elysian woke up with a massive smile on her face as she looked forward to the day ahead. She could hear the sound of Sirius speaking with his mother and a house-elf named Kreature as she threw on her closest dress and opened her bedroom door. She had been allowed to sleep in Walburga's room as it was the one most fit for people to sleep in – Kreature had cleaned it religiously the entire time no one occupied it – while Sirius returned to his old room.

"Morning," said Elysian as she descended the stairs.

"Good morning, dear," greeted Walburga with a kind smile.

"Morning Ely," Sirius yawned, wrapping his black robes further around himself as he headed off to the kitchen.

The smell of freshly cooked bacon, eggs and toast were wafting through the hallway. Kreature, it seemed, had begun breakfast the moment he had heard her door open and was waiting for her before he dished up the plates. With a quick wave goodbye to Walburga, Elysian entered the kitchen and was immediately seated beside Sirius while Kreature dished out breakfast.

They had just finished breakfast when two owls came flying through the back window. One of them was a regal Great Horned Owl with a beautiful black band on its left leg; it held a black letter in its beak with the Malfoy seal displayed proudly for everyone to see. The other owl was a simple Barn Owl from Hogwarts with the usual yellow band around its right foot; it held a yellowish letter in its break with the Hogwarts seal rather hazardously displayed in front of them.

Sirius was gently in removing both letters and the moment the Barn Owl was free of its duty, it flew off as fast as its wings could carry it. The Malfoy owl, however, remained and Elysian watched Kreature slid it a bowl full of bacon. The yellow letter was opened first and Sirius sneered in fury before throwing it into the fire and opening the other one.

"Sirius? Are you okay?" asked Elysian, gently removing the black letter from her Uncle's clenched hands.

"It was from Dumbledore. Apparently, he wishes to speak with me about revoking my judgement on Lily and James so that you can be returned to their care. Something about a 'misunderstanding.'"

Elysian growled a sound that mimicked that of a lioness, before sighing and nodding. She had expected this from Dumbledore: she knew he wasn't sure who had defeated Voldemort anymore and so was trying to make sure both she and Harry were under his wings. It wasn't something she had thought he'd be stupid enough to make clear but then again... this was Dumbledore, the man who wore robes that even LuLaRoe would call too much.

"It's not like he can do anything," said Elysian, "magic made the judgement and magic alone can revoke it."

Sirius nodded and sent her a soft smile before reaching for the other letter. They both knew it was from the Malfoy family, people Sirius hadn't always been on the best of terms with, and Elysian was actually excited since it would be the first time she would be able to see Draco during the holiday.

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