Chapter Eighteen: The Chamber of Secrets.

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Elysian Potter: The Forgotten Queen

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, nor do I own the Original Idea for this story. All rights for the characters go to the magnificent J. K. Rowling and the Original idea for the fiction belongs to CharmedMilliE-Karry Master.

Elysian's Theme Song: Castle – Hasley

Chapter Eighteen: The Chamber of Secrets

Elysian had only just managed to lose Draco and Neville – both of whom had been following her since Harry and Ronald had 'attacked' her – when she turned a corner and stumbled directly into Ginny. The youngest Weasley was staring straight ahead – like she was in a trance – with a jar of, what Elysian could only assume was, chicken blood in one hand and a little black book in the other. She, robotically, walked towards the wall and slowly began writing on the wall, again her expression completely blank.


There was no response.

She knew that she should call someone, call a teacher or at least Fred and George, to help Ginny but something told her not to. Something told her that she needed to follow Ginny, to see what was wrong. So, she did.

Ginny slowly finished writing on the wall and turned to walk down the corridor. She didn't appear to notice Elysian at all and Elysian noticed that Ginny was walked towards Myrtle's bathroom. She kept her distance – though the didn't seem to be a reason to – and followed Ginny into the bathroom.

Once they entered the bathroom, Ginny moved towards a particular sink. Elysian felt her jaw drop as she heard the Language of the Snakes come flowing out of Ginny's mouth as if it were her first language. The sink in front of Ginny then sunk into the floor and disappeared, revealing a gaping hole that Elysian thought went on forever, though she could barely see it from her current position.

Swallowing, Elysian stepped forward as Ginny jumped into the pit and looked into the abyss. She waited a few minutes, until she could no longer hear the soft banging of Ginny's shoes on stone, and jumped, making sure that her wand wouldn't be damaged by the landing.

Upon landing, Elysian was shocked to find that it had been enchanted with a cushioning charm so there was no damage to her body. The place she had arrived in was dark and damp and full of Snake Skins. Some were twice the size of Gryffindor tower and others were three times the size of the Great Hall. Elysian assumed that these belong to a basilisk – which was the only snake that would be able to grow to this size and petrify people – and she wasn't really ready to come face to face with the man-eating snake that she had already come eye-to-eye with before.

The tunnel was hundreds of miles long and Elysian's legs were aching when she finally reached the door that led to the chamber. It was a beautiful chamber with hundreds of snake statues everywhere. Something caught her eye, however, there was a statue in the centre of the chamber and it looked like Salazar Slytherin.

Ginny was lying on the floor in the middle of the chamber with a little black book on her chest. Walking over, Elysian knelt beside her and gently grabbed Ginny's arm, shocked by how cold the younger girl was, considering Elysian was only a few minutes behind her.

"Ginny," said Elysian, shaking the tiny girl as gently as she could, "Ginny, wake up."

"Please don't," a masculine voice called from the shadows.

Turning around, wand in hand, Elysian was surprised to find a boy, probably in his seventh-year, staring at her from across the chamber. He was translucent, like a ghost, but was shimmering and slowly becoming more and more solid as Elysian continued to stare.

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