Chapter Seventeen: Duelling and Polyjuice

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Elysian Potter: The Forgotten Queen.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, nor do I own the original idea for this story. All rights for the characters go to the magnificent J. K. Rowling and the original idea belongs to CharmedMilliE-Karry Master.

Note: Guys please check out this link: A Harry Potter Nerd/Heidi5360 has now FINISHED the Trailer and I would most appreciate everyone checking it out and giving them some love for me. They worked really hard on it and deserve recognition for such an amazing video. Guys please check out TotallyNotWeird/QueenAuthor's Instagram account as she has created a song edit for Elysian Potter that should get some attention.

Elysian's Theme Song: You Should See Me In A Crown, Billie Ellis – Castle, Hasley

Chapter Seventeen: Duelling and Polyjuice

It had taken weeks but soon all of the Slytherins – excluding Ginny who they would often have to curse in order for her to leave them alone: she seemed to have discovered they were keeping something from her and was trying to sneak a look at what they were doing. – had gotten used to their new routine. Elysian had meticulously planned every day of their remaining term time so as to maximise their abilities to not only pass their OWLS and NEWTS, but also to protect themselves. Professor Snape was often in the common room at their scheduled time and was quick to instruct everyone on what they should be doing and he even snagged their grades from the previous year so he could help them improve. The entire house had grown closer, into the family Elysian had always wanted, so close that Elysian had told them about her separate vault.

"Are you insane?" Draco had cried.

"Well giving whom I live with, would it be surprising if I was?" asked Elysian while Daphne and Pansy continued to style her hair.

Her friends had asked if they could do something with her hair after hearing her express her desire to look less like her mother to Professor Snape. Snape didn't seem happy with what they were doing but knew he had no right to stop them, Elysian Potter was not Lily and he needed to remember that.

"Creating your own vault will get you thrown in Azkaban!" said a Seventh-year.

"Only if they find out," she smirked.

"It's stupidly dangerous," said a six-year, "what if the Goblins decide to rat you out?"

"Relax guys, the Goblins wouldn't do that to me. Besides, who in the Ministry, other than Draco's father and your parents who all love me, would believe the word of a Goblin over the daughter of the Ancient and Noble House of Potter?"

"Ten points to Slytherin for an excellent argument," Professor Snape called as he stalked into the room.

"Good morning Professor," the Slytherins chorused.

"Good morning everyone," he greeted, "Miss Potter, there is someone here for you."

Ginny, who had been in her dorm for their previous conversation, had just walked out of the dorm areas when he said this and immediately perked up. Elysian spotted it out of the corner of her eye and couldn't help smirking at how predictable the girl was. Ginny didn't seem to realise all of her mail was intercepted by House-elves and given to Elysian so the older girl knew everything: Molly Weasley had ordered her daughter to keep an eye on Elysian and try to set her up with Ronald if she could. Apparently, the Potters were trying to make betrothal contracts for her but without her approval, they were declared null. They only had themselves to blame for this of course.

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