Chapter Fifty: Getting Set Up

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Elysian Potter: The Forgotten Queen.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, nor do I own the original idea for this story. All rights for the characters go to the magnificent J. K. Rowling and the original idea belongs to CharmedMilliE-Karry Master.

Elysian's Theme Song: You Should See Me In A Crown, Billie Eilish– Castle, Hasley – The Devil Within, Digital Daggers – Don't Make Me, MALINDA – Doll House, Melanie Martinez – Prom Queen, Molly Kate Kestner – Everybody's Fool, Evanescence – Control, Hasley.

Chapter Fifty: Getting Set Up

If there was one thing she admired about Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore was that he most fast the moment he got what he wanted.

The very next morning after Remus' acceptance, Dumbledore and the rest of his little order arrived outside. They all wore matching faces of disgust as they entered, seeing the darkness of the building. Lady Black was hidden beneath her black curtain and Sirius made a big deal about how insane she was.

They were ushered into the kitchen where Remus and Elysian were waiting, eating the breakfast that Kreature had made before having to disappear. Molly was practically salivating as she looked at the kitchen but didn't dare move towards it until Dumbledore had entered the room.

"This is just perfect for our needs," said Dumbledore. "I will cast the Fidelius Charm and Alister Moody will become the Secret Keeper."

"I'm afraid that isn't possible," said Sirius.

Elysian could tell he was holding back a grin.

"And why is that?" asked Moody with a growl.

"Because the Black family have made this house impossible for anyone to charm unless they have Black family magic. Myself or Elysian have to be the ones to cast the Fidelius Charm and only a black can become its Secret Keeper."

It was a complete lie. Anyone could have become Secret Keeper after Sirius had cast the charm – Merlin, Sirius didn't even need to cast it – but by saying it, it meant Elysian would have to cast the charm, lest Dumbledore wish for her to be the Secret Keeper.

Dumbledore was very put off by this but nodded along: "Very well, Sirius, you shall cast the Charm with Elysian as Secret Keeper."


It was done within seconds and Elysian happily gave everyone what was required to allow them into the house. The twins were ecstatic that they could now be around Elysian without having to worry and were quick to follow Kreature – who had hidden himself from sight – up to the room closest to Elysian's.

"Will Ginny be returning to England?" asked Elysian once she and Molly were alone.

"No, I'm afraid not. The Ministry have disowned her from the country, if she returns she'll lose her magic," said Molly, bursting into tears.

"I'm sorry. I'm sure Ginny was only messing around with those potions."

Seeing Kreature wave at her, Elysian quickly walked out of the kitchen towards him and up to her room where Ronald Weasley was snooping.

"What are you doing?" asked Elysian.

"This room is mine now," said Ronald arrogantly.

"No, it's not. This is my room."

"No it's mine!" cried Ronald. "I'm the guest!"

"RONALD!" yelled Molly, charging up the stairs.

Suddenly, Ronald was thrown from the room by the Black Family Magic.

"What were you doing in Elysian's room?" asked Molly angrily. "And why did you yell at her?"

"Mum! I just got thrown out of the room!" roared Ronald, pointing at the door. "She did it! No Slytherin is good!"

"Actually, it was the Black family Magic that threw you out of the room," explained Sirius, walking up the stairs. "Since Elysian is my god daughter and magic allowed her to become apart of my family, she is now a Black and the house will do whatever it must to keep her safe. Ron yelled at her and therefore was seen as a threat. He won't be allowed back in her room for anything now."

"That makes sense," said Molly nodding along.

She was quick to rush her boy downstairs, far away from the room he had trespassed in.


At Dinner, Elysian could feel the pressure of someone entering her head. Of course, it was Dumbledore and she knew that. It was rather simple to put 'fuzzy' memories at the front of her mind when he went looking for Voldemort.

"Right, I am going to require each of you to take a loyalty oath," said Dumbledore, "thus making sure Voldemort cannot get any information for you."

One by one the Order took their loyalty oaths, though Dumbledore skipped Remus and Sirius. When he came to Elysian he made sure the Oath was as tightly binding as it could be for a Slytherin girl. However, he overlooked one thing... she didn't say her true name: she signed the oath with Elysian Black nee Potter... not Elysian Slytherin Gryffindor Black Potter. The oath didn't mean a damn thing now.

Note: this chapter is mostly filler due to my focus on my original story. I hope you all enjoy. 

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