Chapter Thirty-Seven: A Confrontation

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Elysian Potter: The Forgotten Queen.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, nor do I own the original idea for this story. All rights for the characters go to the magnificent J. K. Rowling and the original idea belongs to CharmedMilliE-Karry Master.

Elysian's Theme Song: You Should See Me In A Crown, Billie Eilish– Castle, Hasley – The Devil Within, Digital Daggers – Don't Make Me, MALINDA – Doll House, Melanie Martinez – Prom Queen, Molly Kate Kestner – Everybody's Fool, Evanescence.

Chapter Thirty-Seven: A Confrontation

Elysian was slow to enter the common room after speaking to Professor Snape. She didn't want to deal with Ginny being a spoilt brat now that she was getting expelled – and she would be getting expelled unless Dumbledore wanted a personal letter from Lady Slytherin and Heir Gryffindor – all she wanted to do was find Blaise and curl up in bed – hopefully with his arms around her.

Entering the green common room, Elysian heard a load of gasps and shocked noises as she walked towards the place she and Blaise usually met. Suddenly, she stopped.

There in Blaise's arms, her lips on his was another Elysian. Neither of them noticed her but Elysian didn't care as she saw the other 'Elysian' begin to change back. It took only a few minutes and Elysian had to sit down when she saw who had done this.


Daphne didn't respond.

Blaise immediately threw Daphne off of him and gasp, turning to Elysian and trying to stutter out an apology but was stopped when Elysian raised her hand. Elysian was focused on Daphne's glazed eyes as Daphne looked around robotically. She was staring directly at Elysian but it was as if she couldn't truly see her and that was all the confirmation Elysian needed.

"She's under the imperious curse," said Elysian as others began questioning her. "She has no idea what she'd doing."

Murmurs spread throughout the common room and fear swept through everyone.

"But who would do that?" cried a first-year Slytherin.

"There isn't anyone at Hogwarts who could do it," said a seventh-year. "Only Professor Moody has ever shown how and he hates anything dark so why would he use a spell-like that? And why just to mess with Elysian?"

There were sounds of agreement echoing around the room as Daphne finally was able to break the curse – with Elysian's help, of course. When she realised what she had done, tears fell from her eyes and she practically collapsed in a heap at Elysian's feet, begging for forgiveness and crying that she hadn't meant to do anything.

"The last thing I remember was walking down the corridor towards Professor Snape's office to come and get you ... then a red light ..."

Another round of sobs began as she continuously apologised to Blaise. Elysian sat down on one of the sofas and thought. If someone was willing to use an illegal curse to get to someone simply because they knew Elysian, what would they be willing to do to Blaise? Perhaps... things should end ... for a while.

"Ely?" asked Blaise, softly.

"I think we need to break up," said Elysian, her voice soft and almost mute.

Blaise heard her, however. His eyes went wide, mouth opening and closing but Elysian didn't dare look up at him until he said: "Why?"

Eyes connecting, Elysian swallowed and began to explain, tears being held back as best she could: "Because someone obviously doesn't want us to be together. What if next time, instead of tricking you into cheating, they tried to kill you? or Daphne? Or Draco? What if next time, they curse you?"

"How do you know it wasn't a prank?" asked Blaise, his heartbreaking.

"No one would risk Azkaban for a prank," said Elysian, standing. "We don't even know who did this! It could have been anyone, Dumbledore, McGonagall, Flitwick! Mr Crouch! Mr Bagman. Hell, it could have been Viktor Krum for all we know. I'm sorry Blaise but until we know the truth, there is no way we can continue being together. For your safety."

With those words, Elysian sprinted from the common room towards Mad-Eye Moody's office.

Barty was inside, his body hidden in the shadows until he saw who had entered. He didn't even need to wait for an explanation as Elysian quickly informed him of all he needed to know.

"Someone attacked my friend, Daphne. They put her under Imperius curse and made her make out with my boyfriend ... ex-boyfriend... I need you to find a way to talk to the Dark Lord, just in case they know about my connection to him..."

Barty nodded, ushering Elysian back to the dungeons where she was quickly pushed into her dorm so that she could sleep. He then, making sure that no one would notice him, disappeared, reappearing in front of the house where his Lord was waiting.

"Well?" asked the Dark Lord, when Barty had made his way up the stairs, "what do you have to report?"

Nagini was wrapped around Voldemort's tiny form and was staring at Barty with a mixture of apprehension and interest.

"It worked, my Lord. She broke up with the boy and is beginning to rely more upon you. She sent me here to warn you that someone may be after her."

"Excellent," he coughed, "I will not allow a boy – even the boy of a follower – to taint what is mine. See to it that they remain apart until my return. And make sure that she is protected."

"Yes, my Lord."

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