Chapter Fifty-Nine: Challenging the Queen

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Elysian Potter: The Forgotten Queen.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, nor do I own the original idea for this story. All rights for the characters go to the magnificent J. K. Rowling and the original idea belongs to CharmedMilliE-Karry Master.

Elysian's Theme Song: You Should See Me In A Crown, Billie Eilish– Castle, Hasley – The Devil Within, Digital Daggers – Don't Make Me, MALINDA – Doll House, Melanie Martinez – Prom Queen, Molly Kate Kestner – Everybody's Fool, Evanescence – Control, Hasley.

Empire by Beth Crowley

Chapter Fifty-Nine: Challenging the Queen

Elysian stood at the front of the Chamber of Secrets with the rest of Slytherin settling into the room. Each and every one of them was looking around in awe and shock, especially when it came to the skins of the Basilisk. It was magnificent!

"Are we even allowed to be here?" asked one of the Seventh years, "heiress Slytherin told Potter that she'd charge him if he went in here."

Smirking, Elysian showed the Slytherin Lordship ring and watched as everyone went insane at it. It took a few minutes for everyone to calm down again and those who already knew were left laughing at the reaction of another.

"Cool," several students chorused upon seeing the ring.

When the shock and awe subsided they began to form groups based on their year. The Seventh years spread out so there was at least two seventh-years per group, it would allow them to keep a close eye on all of the younger years to make sure their cores weren't burnt out and it would also allow the seventh-years to go over their previous years.

Elysian and her group were without a seven year guide: they would be working on something a lot darker than normal spells. In her hands, Elysian held a book on Dark Arts from the Black and Potter family libraries.

They worked for hours on the spells that would be covered in their OWLs, the Dark Arts and any other topic that they fancied. Everything went well, everyone was safe and most people grasped the concept of each spell that they were presented with.

Eventually they were all excused and trudged back through the tunnels, up into their dorm rooms where the majority crashed onto their beds, still fully clothes in their uniforms.


Madam Professor Umbridge, Undersecretary of the Ministry, soon to be High Inquisitor of Hogwarts, soon to be Headmistress of Hogwarts, strode down the corridors of the castle that would soon be hers with one goal in mind, the Slytherin Common Room.

She walked down the stairs with her head held high and entered the common room where the majority of the Slytherins were waiting. Umbridge had already made sure that Elysian wasn't in the common room – Elysian was helping some of her friends from other houses in her usual study groups – so she knew that she had enough time to ... poison the well so to speak.

"It has come to my attention that one among you isn't truly a Slytherin," said Professor Umbridge. "Elysian Potter is not a Slytherin, she is a plant for Albus Dumbledore and you must not support her."

Instantly, everyone in the common room turned and began paying their full attention to what Umbridge was saying.

"She is currently helping the other houses," said Umbridge, "abandoning you all so that she can distance herself from each of you."

Umbridge continued on and on about how horrible Elysian was and how no one in Slytherin should support her. It was rather laughable and most of the Slytherin common room were either hilarious or pissed off at the share idiocy of this woman. When Umbridge finally left there was silence within the common room.

"No one of us believe that, right?"

"No!" chorused everyone.

"Just wanting to be clear."


Elysian had to make sure not to bring attention to herself as she walked along the path towards the owlery. She was alone and there was no one around her, which she was incredibly thankful for since the letter she would be receiving was not one she wanted people to know she'd received.

Walking up the path, she kept her eyes open and immediately spotted the onyx, elder owl holding a beautiful package for her. The owl headed over to her and gently dropped the box into her hands and chirped when she held out some treats for him to take.

Opening the letter that was attached the the package, Elysian smirked.

My Darling Elysian,

In this box there is a book on Dark spells that I would request you teach those you trust. There are also enchanted sheets of parchment that can be keyed to a specific person to allow contact between each of you without alerting anyone.

The book had a black, leather cover and was labelled 'Spells Most Dark.' It was no where near as dark as some of the spells in the Black Family library but it was a good transition from normal spells to dark spells.

Casting a quick glamour spell over the book, Elysian smirked and turned to leave.


Sitting in DADA with Draco and Daphne, Elysian was taking notes and thinking of spells to go over in their DA sessions. There were several spells she was going to teach the students and she still needed to distribute the enchanted parchment to everyone within the DA.

She was so consumed in what she was doing that she didn't notice Umbridge standing beside her. This was the perfect opportunity for Umbridge to show how much less Elysian was compared to herself. Smirking Umbridge 'hem hem' instantly causing Elysian to turn her eyes upwards.

"Detention Miss Potter, for not paying attention in class."

Immediately, the Slytherins froze, all eyes on Umbridge and the blatant challenging of the person they had all designated as their Queen. Draco knew there would be several letters written home tonight.

He did just that, writing a letter to his father about Elysian's detention and about the blood quills that Umbridge was most likely to force her to use. Lucius had, rather hesitantly, shared this letter with the Dark Lord.

Needless to say, Voldemort was pissed and vowed to kill the woman who would dare harm what was his.

Everyone with a foothold in the Ministry was sent to work to find anything on Umbridge they could use to hurt her as much as possible. Anyone who came back empty handed would be on the other end of Voldemort's wand.

No one felt any sympathy for Umbridge, though. In fact, Lucius had to physically stop Narcissa, Sirius and Remus from rushing into Hogwarts to rip that woman apart. If any damage were to befall Elysian at the hands of Madam Umbridge, she'd have several very angry and protective parents ready to destroy her.


Note: I know this chapter is short and seems very disjointed and I'm sorry for that but I've been focusing more on my original story, Saharrah: The Bleeding Daughter and I thought I'd update to make sure everyone is getting something they enjoy.

Request: I would like to request that some of you who are interested in fantasy or just like my writing go and read my original story, Saharrah the Bleeding Daughter. It's on Quotev and available for everyone to read. I really do want feedback on it since I want to try and get it published but there is only so much I can do alone without someone to act as my Beta reader. All you have to do is read it and tell me what you think that is all.

Advice: I was recently asked, privately, how I write such good characters and I figured I'd post my response here so that anyone who wants to ask me the same question can find it here.

Don't just write a character, write the character you want to become. Write about the traits you'd value most in yourself, or in your friend. Write about what you want to change about yourself and your writing will become your guide as to how. Don't just write you, write the BEST version of you because this is the version of you that will be remembered for the rest of time, and this is the you that people will idolise. Don't just write a character, write the BEST character.

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