Chapter Twenty-Two: The Dementor

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Elysian Potter: The Forgotten Queen.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, nor do I own the original idea for this story. All rights for the characters go to the magnificent J. K. Rowling and the original idea belongs to CharmedMilliE-Karry Master.

Note: For those reading on, the previous chapters have all been updated and changed so you may want to go back and reread the old chapters otherwise you'll be very confused.

Elysian's Theme Song: You Should See Me In A Crown, Billie Ellis – Castle, Hasley – The Devil Within, Digital Daggers

Chapter Twenty-Two: The Dementor

Tom woke Elysian the next morning with his usual toothless grin and a cup of tea. Elysian got dressed glanced towards the area where Ares' crate had been the night before with a sorrowful smile before she brightened at the thought of how his life was at Malfoy Manor.

Elysian walked down the stairs and waved towards Tom and his wife before heading out to where the Knight Bus was waiting for her. Stan helped her onto the bus and placed her stuff on the bed and Elysian held on tightly to the bedpost as they zoomed towards Kings Cross. She wasn't the only Hogwarts student on the bus – there were a few Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws scattered along the different floors and on different beds – and some of them were standing beside their parents or siblings.

"'Ello Elysian!" called Seamus, a Gryffindor third-year like herself.

He was one of Harry's 'friends' and was often seen hanging on his every word when he wasn't blowing up something in class. Elysian and Seamus had talked a few times, mostly when he was asking for a helping hand or an explanation on a certain topic, and they got along very well. Seamus was a half-blood who grew up in the muggle world so he was far more well versed on certain things and both Elysian and Seamus were often talking about the newest muggle invention.

"Hello Seamus," said Elysian, not daring to move from her position until the bus had stopped to pick up another person. "I thought your mother was dropping you off today?"

Seamus grimaced.

"Me ma' and I were fighting before I left," said Seamus softly, "she said me da was trying to take me away from 'er."

Elysian nodded, patting his arm as gently as she could with a soft smile: "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll mend fences again."

"I hope so," said Seamus.

Looking out of the window, Elysian rolled her eyes when she saw the Potter family cars waiting in the traffic. The twins' eyes connected and Elysian couldn't stop herself from giving Harry a little wave before they were zooming off again towards the station. Seamus was rather green at the end of the journey – not that Elysian could blame him – and he was quick to jump off the bus as Stan helped unload his stuff.

Elysian waved goodbye to Stan as she grabbed both her trunks and walked inside. It was surprisingly empty – only a few hundred people – but that didn't deter her as she walked through the barrier with Seamus and the other students following behind her. She grinned when she looked up to see the Hogwarts Express, a scarlet steam engine, puffing smoke over a platform packed with witches and wizards seeing their children onto the train.

It was rather discouraging to see a few aurors scattered throughout the station and she heard the whispers of different people as she passed. She knew they were looking for her uncle but she also knew that they would never find him: he was a Black, after all, and Blacks were always seven steps ahead, even if he was once a Gryffindor.

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