Chapter Fifty-Eight: DA.

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Elysian Potter: The Forgotten Queen.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, nor do I own the original idea for this story. All rights for the characters go to the magnificent J. K. Rowling and the original idea belongs to CharmedMilliE-Karry Master.

Elysian's Theme Song: You Should See Me In A Crown, Billie Eilish– Castle, Hasley – The Devil Within, Digital Daggers – Don't Make Me, MALINDA – Doll House, Melanie Martinez – Prom Queen, Molly Kate Kestner – Everybody's Fool, Evanescence – Control, Hasley.

Empire by Beth Crowley

Chapter Fifty-Eight: DA.

Professor Snape had been doing his best, over the last couple of weeks, to help Elysian's Veela half create shielding. It was a long and tedious process and one that was rather unpredictable due to the nature of Veelas and Harpies. Little by little, Elysian was able to block out certain emotions and soon she no longer needed the headache potions Daphne had been keeping for her.

Of course, when people began noticing the potions Elysian was drinking, they were concerned. None of the Professors asked about it as Professor Snape had already said what the potions were and that Poppy had agreed. The students were worried, though, and many in Slytherin had been approached by other houses to ask if Elysian was alright.

Elysian, seeing an opportunity, began spreading a rumour that Dumbledore had harmed her in some way. She refused to comment when questioned by fellow students but she made sure to flinch whenever someone mentioned Dumbledore, just to reinforce the narrative.

Umbridge was evil. Pure Evil.

Harry had come to her, knowing of her potions skills, asking for a pain potion the day after his detention with Umbridge. She had, of course, questioned the reasons for the request and then... he showed her his hand...


It was engraved into the back of his hand and practically glowed with pain. Elysian gently took his and hand and placed some dittany on the wound before handing him some pain potions she had made earlier – her potions club had been going over the recipe and had made quite a few – before sending him off.

She knew this was going to happen but knowing and seeing were two different things. Elysian could honestly say that she didn't care that it was happening to Harry – it was his own fault and it would help him embrace his Slytherin side or at least help him control himself – but she did care about those of her friends in other houses. She would have to put the warning out not to cross Umbridge.


"Can we restart our DADA revision?" asked Crabbe, the moment they had returned to their common room. "Umbridge isn't teaching us anything and I'm falling more behind than ever."

There were mumbles of agreement all throughout the common room from all years. The younger students were the loudest voices among the agreement, all of them were terrified that they wouldn't be able to learn anything.

"We'd have to do it in secret," said Elysian after a moment. "And we'd need a much bigger space than what we have here..."

"What about the Chamber of Secrets?" the portrait of Salazar Slytherin called from his portrait. Elysian had discovered the portrait thanks to Hogwarts. Dumbledore had hidden it so that no one would know the truth behind the founder's feud. "There's an entrance right behind my portrait that would allow each and everyone of you to enter and exit the Chamber without having to worry about being caught, and as long as all of you are doing there, it will trigger each of your doors to close and signal that you're all asleep."

The cheers for Salazar's idea were loud and proud.

"We'll need a contract – or a vow!" said Daphne, thinking out loud, "since each and everyone of us has friends in other houses we need to make sure no one can speak of it."

"And we need a name," said Blaise.

"If I know Potter," said Elysian, bringing attention back to her, "he, or at least Hermione, will come up with the same idea. If we share the name of his little club, Umbridge won't be able to tell which group is which. Therefore Harry will get all the blame and focus and we'll be safe."

"So what would Potter call his group?" asked Marcus Flint.

"Knowing him? Dumbledore's Army. So we shall be called the DA."

With everyone in agreement Salazar opened the Chamber door for them and soon they were all heading inside to sort out everything they'd need. They already decided that they wouldn't write down who was apart of this little club – that would be stupid – instead they would create a way for everyone to remain in contact.

Elysian had already sent a letter to the Dark Lord with a request for his assistance and for him to list anything he wanted them to learn. For now, they'd keep the secret within Slytherin walls until everything was figured out properly.  

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