Chapter Forty-One: First Task

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Elysian Potter: The Forgotten Queen.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, nor do I own the original idea for this story. All rights for the characters go to the magnificent J. K. Rowling and the original idea belongs to CharmedMilliE-Karry Master.

Elysian's Theme Song: You Should See Me In A Crown, Billie Eilish– Castle, Hasley – The Devil Within, Digital Daggers – Don't Make Me, MALINDA – Doll House, Melanie Martinez – Prom Queen, Molly Kate Kestner – Everybody's Fool, Evanescence.

Chapter Forty-One: First Task

Elysian dragged Harry into an empty classroom two days before the first task and began pulling books out of her bag. Harry was quick to inform her of what the task was, though when he saw the book she had pulled out of her bag, he knew she had already known.

"How did you know it was dragons?" asked Harry, grabbing one of the dragon related spell-books.

"Viktor told me," said Elysian, "he wanted my help to get ready."

Harry nodded, excepting the lie and began opening books so that he could study. Elysian already knew he was going to be perfectly fine but she needed to make it seem like she was truly worried about him. They spent three hours going through different books until they had a list of all the spells Harry could possibly use in the First Task.

"Okay, so what's your strongest talent?" asked Elysian, looking down the list.

"Well... flying," said Harry, "but we aren't allowed a broom."

Elysian grinned, pointing at the summoning spell.

"You can't bring one in," said Elysian, "But you can summon one afterwards."

Then for the next four hours they continuously practiced the summoning charm. Harry, rather quickly, picked it up but it took Elysian a few tries since her core wasn't as large as Harry's. He helped her as best he could and they actually bonded! For the first time ever, Elysian considered him a sibling, not so much her brother, yet, but she considered him a sibling.

"Thank you," said Harry, once they were done.

"No problem, just don't expect this to continue after the tournament. I'm only by your side because you have no one else, the moment James and Lily accept you again is the moment I'm back to being the cruel girl with no association to you what so ever."

Harry nodded in understanding. He helped her put all of the books in her bag and the two soon left the classroom to return to their dorms. Elysian couldn't wait for the First Task, if only so that she could send Tom a letter without having to worry about being seen.


It had been awkward ever since Blaise and Elysian had broke up and no where was that clearer then in the common room. Elysian had sequestered herself away in what used to be known as 'their corner' when Blaise walked by, obviously coming to sit there. The two shared a brief look before Blaise motioned to turn away but Elysian was quick to stop him, not wanting to allow outside forces to destroy the one good thing she had in life.

"Don't go," said Elysian, pleadingly.

Blaise turned to look at her and nodded, settling down in his old seat. For a moment it was almost like how it was before – and how it would be again once Blaise was safe – but Elysian knew better than to fantasies and chose this moment to clear the air.

"I don't want it to be awkward between us," she began, her voice shaking slightly. This alone allowed Blaise the change to see just how much their separation had affected her, Elysian's usually blank face was morphed into an expression of barely concealed pain and concern and her voice was full of emotion in places it had once lacked it. For the first time since meeting her, Blaise could finally see just how much damage her upbringing had caused her, and it broke his heart. "We both know that I had to-to break it off with you... I-I have so many people who want to hurt me – I couldn't bare it if they hurt you or D-Daphne or Draco or anyone I care about. They went after you b-because you were linked so closely to me and I-I don't want to risk that again! I love you, Blaise Zabini ... and I want you to be safe..."

Elysian had no idea what she was doing. She had just poured her heart out to him and had no idea why! Is that what was meant to happen when you loved someone? Was she sick? Did people usually do this sort of thing? This was the first time she had said 'I love you' to anyone... did she frighten him? Did he still love her? Did he love her at all? Why was he staying so silent?

"I love you too," said Blaise.

Instantly Elysian's face flooded with tears and she leapt into Blaise's arms. He cradled her into his chest and was suddenly glad that they were so hidden.

"I know we can't be together publicly," said Blaise after she had calmed down. "But how about in secret? We won't tell anyone, not even our closest friends or family I-I've already began learning Occlumency so w-we can keep it a secret."

"Yes," said Elysian. "But we can't tell anyone."



Sitting in the stadium beside Draco and Daphne, Elysian watched as the champions took on each of their dragons. Harry was the last to enter to stadium and therefore would be against the Hungarian Horntail – which Elysian had suspected. Fleur had managed to get the egg and get past the dragon, which made Elysian slightly happier as 'Veela have to stick together.'

Suddenly, it was Harry's turn.

The crowd was making a great deal of noise, but whether friendly or not, Elysian didn't know or care. She could see Harry looked at her and nodding slightly as he raised his wand to do as they had practiced. Elysian was praying that it would do well and get his broom – sure she knew the dragon wouldn't harm him but that didn't mean that someone else wouldn't.

She breathed out a sigh of relief when the firebolt came souring to his side and grinned, subtly, as he mounted it. He flew up into the air until he was nothing more than a speck before he began diving down and using all of the tactics of a Quidditch Player against the dragon.

"Great Scott, he can fly!" Bagman cried.

Elysian could see the dragon glanced at her from the corner of her eye and soon the dragon did exactly what Harry wanted her to do. Harry got the egg and was soon safely away from the dragon. Hermione and Ronald disappeared from the stands to go and see their friend and Elysian felt a weight leave her chest.

Madam Maxine have him an 'Eight.'

Mr Crouch gave him a 'Nine.'

Dumbledore gave a 'Nine.'

Bagman gave him a 'Ten."

And Karkaroff gave him a 'Four.'

No one really cared though as it meant that Harry was in the lead. Draco was, of course, sulking like a child but she could tell he was glad that Harry had survived, if only for Hermione's sake. Elysian was quick to leave when they were allowed, grabbing the letter she had written the night before, and made her way towards Moody.

He nodded at her and tucked the letter into his pocket before disappearing.


Nagini was curled around Voldemort when Barty arrived. Wormtail was cowering in a corner and was quick to leave the moment Barty entered the room.

"How is it?" Voldemort asked.

"Potter survived, Dumbledore expects nothing and Elysian has remained safe."


Taking the letter from his pocket, Barty placed it in front of his Lord and then returned to Hogwarts so that he wouldn't be missed.

Dear Tom,

I've begun working with Harry in order to keep him alive during the tournament. Dumbledore has yet to attempt to place me in the tournament again or speak to me at all but I believe this may be because he is under such heavy scrutiny. I suspect that he will attempt to bring me to you during the final task.



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