Chapter Twenty-Six: The Marauder's Map

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Elysian Potter: The Forgotten Queen.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, nor do I own the original idea for this story. All rights for the characters go to the magnificent J. K. Rowling and the original idea belongs to CharmedMilliE-Karry Master.

Note: For those reading on, the previous chapters have all been updated and changed so you may want to go back and reread the old chapters otherwise you'll be very confused.

Elysian's Theme Song: You Should See Me In A Crown, Billie Ellis – Castle, Hasley – The Devil Within, Digital Daggers

Chapter Twenty-Six: The Marauder's Map

Elysian arrived in the Great Hall for dinner, having just returned from finding Sirius, and was immediately confronted by Blaise. He was very pale and was fidgeting with the hem of his shirt as he walked over to her, his eyes not daring to move from the stones on the floor. She swallowed, knowing what was about to come next, and walked beside him towards the alcove that was almost completely hidden from sight.

It was when they were finally hidden from sight, that Elysian gently forced Blaise to look her in the eyes and waited. Blaise's mouth opened and closed, like a fish, as colour returned to his cheeks and he began to blush slightly. Elysian waited silently, her expression soft, which prompted him to finally begin speaking.

"I...I don't want you to feel pressured," he stuttered, scratching his arm. "I wanted to ask you properly when things had settled down between you and your family and you weren't so worried about Sirius..."


He looked her dead in the eye and before he could move his head away, their lips connected. Sparks ignited in her mind and heart as their lips moved completely in sync. Hands roamed until Blaise's left hand was combing through Elysian's hair, pulling her face closer in a tight, lovers embrace.

They released each other, gasping for breath with matching smiles on their faces. No words were exchanged as Elysian grabbed Blaise's hand and pulled him into the Great Hall where they settled down for dinner while answering copious questions on their budding relationship.


The story of the relationship between Blaise and Elysian ran through the castle at lightning speed. Soon everyone knew about their relationship and not everyone was happy with it.

Harry and Ronald, for example, were pissed when they found out that Elysian was dating Blaise. They had tried many times to confront the couple when they were alone but Elysian always heard them coming and pulled Blaise towards a more crowded area. It occurred to her that they were finding her far too easy for it to be a coincidence and so she decided to ask Remus about a certain parchment.

"The last time I saw it, Filch was taking it to his office having just confiscated it from James," said Remus, settling down in his large armchair. "I had checked Filch's office when I became a Professor and wasn't able to find it so I assumed the Headmaster had taken it."

"Could it be possible for Harry to have it?" asked Elysian, "he's been able to find Blaise and I far too easily for it to be a coincidence."

"It's possible," said Remus, sipping his wolfsbane potion. "I could always find out. He does trust me, after all."

"No, I don't want to get you involved in this. He's probably just annoyed that Blaise didn't ask his permission before trying to Court me. Either that or Ronald is annoyed that I won't be his wife."

Remus almost chocked on his potion when she said that but managed to stop himself. His eyes were wide with shock and horror – he knew how much Elysian hated Ronald and knew she would rather die than marry him – while she remained perfectly still, sipping her tea.

"I wonder, though, is there any place that doesn't appear on the map?"

"There are lots, actually," said Remus, thinking for a moment. "We managed to key the parchment into Hogwarts' wards – which I guess was allowed because of James being an Heir of Gryffindor – but the castle, herself, dictates what appears on the map. If she doesn't want a section to be seen, then the map will not show it."

Elysian nodded in thanks and quickly left. Blaise was waiting for her in the Slytherin Common room – he had taken to hiding within the Snakes den after he had almost been cornered by Harry and Ronald one night. He led her into a corner of the Common room, which had quickly become known as their spot, and sat her down, waiting until she had fully settled before daring to ask any questions.

"So, did you tell you anything?"

"Both Remus and I suspect that my brother has the Marauder's Map in his possession," said Elysian. Blaise gave her a confused look. "The Marauder's Map is a piece of parchment that's keyed into Hogwarts wards. It can show you anyone and everyone within castle grounds and can see through disguises. James, Uncle Remus, Uncle Sirius and Pettigrew made it when they were in Hogwarts."

Blaise nodded but a new question appeared in his mind: "So, why didn't you ask Remus to get it for you? surely if it's as powerful as you say, we can use it."

Elysian chuckled and smirked: "Power resides where men believe it resides, it's a trick, a shadow on the wall. And what do we have left, after we abandon the lie? Chaos. A gaping pit waiting to swallow us all. I'm not going to ask Uncle Remus to get me the map because I don't need it. As an heiress of Gryffindor and Lady Slytherin, I have a certain connection with the castle that I could exploit."

"A connection to the castle?"

"The Castle itself is a living being, it's sentient. I admit I have no idea how to contact her and get her to speak to me in return, but I know I can do it. So, why rely on an easily destroyed piece of paper when I could rely on the very being that allows the map to work."

Blaise nodded in understanding, choosing not to voice his misgivings, and pulled out the 'GO' board. Draco and Daphne joined them a few minutes later and soon there was a heated battle between the two teams.

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