Chapter Thirteen: Gilderoy Lockhart

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Elysian Potter: The Forgotten Queen

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, nor do I own the Original Idea for this story. All rights for the characters go to the magnificent J. K. Rowling and the Original idea for the fiction belongs to CharmedMilliE-Karry Master.

Elysian's Theme Song: Castle – Hasley

Chapter Thriteen: Gilderoy Lockhart

The Morning Sun broke through the horizon, filtering through the castle. Elysian heard her alarm buzz lightly on her dresser and felt something poking into her skin. Groaning, Elysian attempted to muster enough energy to left her head only to be confronted by Daphne and Pansy, who were holding her school robes out for her to take.

Dragging herself out of bed, Elysian was quick to get dressed. She then sat at her vanity and began doing her hair and makeup. Daphne and Pansy were waiting nervously behind her, waiting for some kind of sign that they could speak freely. Upon receiving this, Daphne jumped right in.

"Where were you last night? Draco, Neville and the Twins looked all over the train for you and you weren't at the Feast. Potter came in hallway through the Sorting and he was looking rather smug until Professor Snape looked at him."

Sighing, Elysian turned: "I arrived a little before the male Potter, having been dropped off by Madam Bones. The barrier had somehow closed between the twins entering and Ronald and Harry attempting to do the same. Professor Snape allowed me to return straight to my dorms as, unlike the idiot duo, I didn't break the status of Secrecy and embarrass myself."

"How did they break the Secrecy?" asked Pansy, internally fuming at the disrespect the Wizarding World had been shown.

"Arthur Weasley enchanted a muggle vehicle to fly, and – when the barrier closed, instead of waiting for someone or contacting the school – they decided to drive said flying car to Hogwarts, where is was caught in the Whomping Willow," explained Elysian, taking a sadistic pleasure in the memory of Harry and Ronald's discomfort.

There was silence for a few moments until, finally, Pansy spoke, her tone rather hesitant: "So, I guess you haven't heard the news then..."

"What news?"

"The newest Weasley scandal – Ginny Weasley was sorting into Slytherin!"

Elysian froze.

"I beg your pardon?" she said slowly, "Ginny Weasley was sorted into Slytherin?" Elysian growled. "It's not bad enough that I have to deal with her when I return to Potter Manor, now I have to deal with her in Slytherin?"

Daphne nodded along, annoyance written on her face just the same as Elysian.

"We were wondering what we should do," said Pansy.

"Well, we certainly can't trust her. Spread the word to everyone and make sure that they're on their guard. Ginny probably was told to ask the hat to put her in Slytherin so that the Potters and Dumbledore would have a spy inside."

The two girls nodded and Pansy quickly left the room to spread the word before the First Years woke up. Daphne, however, remained behind and she removed something from her robe pocket.

"There's something else..."


"I found this," she handed Elysian a letter with the Slytherin Crest detailed over it. "Sitting just outside your dorm room."

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