Chapter Twenty: The Knight Bus.

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Elysian Potter: The Forgotten Queen.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, nor do I own the original idea for this story. All rights for the characters go to the magnificent J. K. Rowling and the original idea belongs to CharmedMilliE-Karry Master.

Note: Guys please check out this link: A Harry Potter Nerd/Heidi5360 has now FINISHED the Trailer and I would most appreciate everyone checking it out and giving them some love for me. They worked really hard on it and deserve recognition for such an amazing video. Guys please check out TotallyNotWeird/QueenAuthor's Instagram account as she has created a song edit for Elysian Potter that should get some attention.

Elysian's Theme Song: You Should See Me In A Crown, Billie Ellis – Castle, Hasley – The Devil Within, Digital Daggers

Chapter Twenty: The Knight Bus.

James and Lily were getting increasingly worse at being subtle about their attempts to coerce Elysian into giving them information. It had gotten to the point where they threatened to chain her up if she didn't do as they wanted. Elysian, however, wasn't scared, not in the least, as she knew that if they left even a small bruise on her skin, she would have more than reasonable cause to call an Auror for abuse.

House-elves had been popping in and out of her room constantly, on the Potters orders, seemingly looking for something or trying to plant things within her room. Ares, the good kitty, was doing his best to scare away the House-elves without harming them and Tiana had been asked to place spells around each of her trunks so no one could enter them. Elysian didn't blame the house-elves though – how could she? – she knew they were just doing as their magic compelled them and made sure to let them know she didn't hold anything against them.

Harry was still in a bad mood after the whole Chamber incident and barely left his room or the Quidditch pitch. It was a GODSENT that he no longer tried to talk to her as he always seemed to piss her off in some way.

Dumbledore was still confused. Every tree they had traced for the Gryffindor name and each one told him they were related to Godric and no one else could have been. It seemed that Dumbledore had come to the conclusion that the Goblins had falsified the Gryffindor signature or the Heiress of Slytherin had done it and allowed the Goblins entrance. Now, though, he was concerned with finding the Heiress of Slytherin so he could reclaim the Gryffindor Sword.

"GIRL!" Lily yelled.

Elysian debated whether or not to answer the summons when another voice joined in Lily's yelling.


James' voice was on the tipping point of rage and Elysian, Ares padding behind her, quickly ran down to the living room where they were waiting. Both of their faces were red with anger as they placed down a familiar piece of parchment in front of her.

"Explain this."

The parchment was actually a contract! A betrothal contract for Elysian and Ronald Weasley, with a big, fat REJECTED seal on it from Gringotts. It had Elysian's signature in the corner as well as Ronald's, Molly's and Arthur's. Elysian knew that this parchment had been on her desk when she had been signing different statements for Gringotts: her parents thought they were being smart by making Gringotts send her the contract as they knew she was more likely to sign it if it didn't come from them. It was a smart plan... if Elysian had signed it with her left hand... which she didn't... so it wasn't legally binding...

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