Going on Hold

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I'm sorry to say but Elysian Potter shall now be put on hold for a while. IT WILL BE CONTINUED. But I've noticed the quality of my writing fading while writing this story and I want time to fully correct it. Now I don't know how long this break will be for nor do I know when I shall want to write this again.

I will be writing my other stories as it is simply this one where my quality seems to slip. Elysian Potter suddenly become something that was poorly written for the fans of the story, I didn't think of the updates anymore, rather I just pumped them out because I wanted to make my fans happy and for that I'm sorry. I let everyone's want for more chapters decrease the quality of my writing to a point where I no longer felt interested in making sure each chapter was the best it possibly could be and instead I focused on what was the quickest way to get chapters out there.

For this I want to apologise as it clearly shows how little I truly cared for making this story as good as it could have been and instead I just wanted the praise that came out with every new chapter.

Now, I'm not going to rewrite the entire story but I am going to rewrite everything from the beginning of Order of the Phoenix so please be prepared for that. I will have a complete overhale of my writing style which should, hopefully, make every chapter a lot better from now on.

THIS IS NOT THE END OF ELYSIAN POTTER. I just need sometime to regain the excitement I once had for this story and to make sure each chapter is published has quality. I have to keep myself to my standards and I promise that from now on I will.

Just to be clear, spamming please update with do nothing but anger me and I will respond rather harshly if you do so.

Love to all of my Angels and Gentlemen,

Captured Angel. 

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