Chapter Thirty-Nine: Almost Five

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Elysian Potter: The Forgotten Queen.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, nor do I own the original idea for this story. All rights for the characters go to the magnificent J. K. Rowling and the original idea belongs to CharmedMilliE-Karry Master.

Elysian's Theme Song: You Should See Me In A Crown, Billie Eilish– Castle, Hasley – The Devil Within, Digital Daggers – Don't Make Me, MALINDA – Doll House, Melanie Martinez – Prom Queen, Molly Kate Kestner – Everybody's Fool, Evanescence.

Chapter Thirty-Nine: Almost Five

Both Elysian and Harry stood, though each had a different expression. Harry looked bold, proud and excited – though internally he was terrified at the prospect of competing – while Elysian was a blank canvas. Dumbledore stared at the both of them, though he only looked shocked by Harry's name. All of the other Professors and students were staring at them – some with expressions of outrage, others with sympathy and some with pure shock.

Dumbledore motioned for them both to come forward, which Harry did with a full swagger. Elysian, however remained where she was and slowly pulled out her wand. Harry turned, gesturing at her to follow – expecting her to do so since this was something he had wanted and assumed she had – but stopped when she raised her wand into the air and opened her mouth to speak.

"I, Elysian Potter Black, hereby declare that I have been illegally entered into a contract without my, or my guardian's consent. I swear on Mother Magic that I did not place my name within the goblet, nor will I participate in the Tri-wizard Tournament, so mote it be."

Silver and gold light surrounded her before glowing green, signifying her truth. Mr Crouch stared at her and immediately jumped up as the contract which held her name – the contract held all of the names of each Champion as it was linked to the Goblet – combust before returning to normal with only four champions on it.

Dumbledore's eyes were filled with anger at her escape and Elysian sent him the most innocent smile as she sat back down and watched Harry disappear through the door. Quickly everyone was dismissed and returned to their dorms, which Elysian immediately disappeared into her dorm to write a long letter to her uncle.


Sirius Black was sitting in the Black Family Library when the letter from Elysian arrived. Instantly, Remus had been summoned and Kreature was on hand to return a letter should it be required. Lady Black had asked that she with them when the letter was read so Remus, Sirius and Kreature were now standing in the hall, waiting for the letter to be read.

Doing as instructed, Sirius opened the letter and began to read:


We may have a problem.

Someone placed the imperious curse on Daphne, forced her to Polyjuice to become me and made her make-out with Blaise in hopes of breaking us up. Sadly it succeeded and now I'm worried that someone may attempt to do the same to you or anyone else that's close to me.

Not only that but my name – Elysian Potter – was entered into the Goblet of fire against my permission. Luckily, due to being Lady Slytherin it wasn't binding anyway but I still made a vow. I believe it was Dumbledore who entered my name, he seemed angry that I had gotten out of it.

Be careful, uncle. I don't want to lose you.

It took a few minutes for it to settle in but when it did, Sirius exploded. Anger was the least of what Sirius was feeling and Remus wasn't far behind. Lady Black had left her frame the moment Dumbledore was mentioned but she was back now and was staring at her usually calm son with a look of shock.

"That Basterds!" Sirius yelled. "How dare he!"

Remus was doing his best to hold back his wolf and his own anger. He quickly grabbed Sirius' shoulders and forced him into the living room, settling him down in a chair as Kreature popped away to get some soothing tea. Fire was practically billowing out of Sirius' nose and ears and he didn't dare speak as Remus took the tea from Kreature and gave him the cup.

"Calm down Sirius, Elysian needs you to be in the right state of mind for this," said Remus. "We'll need to head over to Gringotts tomorrow. They were the ones who created the Goblet, they'll be able to tell us how it was tricked into spitting out Elysian's name... as for her and Blaise... honestly there isn't much we can do for them right now."

Sirius remained silent and slowly nodded.


Elysian, Blaise, Draco, Pansy and Daphne were watching as Ginny Weasley was escorted from the Common Room in magic supressing cuffs. Astoria was crying into the arms of her actual best friend as she was told what had happened to her. Dumbledore had wanted to keep it quiet as to not arouse the notice of the visiting schools, though Elysian figured that he simply didn't want anyone to know that it had happened in his school.

Professor Snape was standing in the middle of the common room and just nodded to everyone before leaving. No one spoke and Elysian quickly left to return to her dorm. She sat on the bed and stared out of the window, watching the Black Lake with sorrowful eyes. Tomorrow would probably be much worse for everyone.

Getting into bed, Elysian closed her eyes and fell asleep.

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