Chapter Four: The Potions Master.

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Elysian Potter: The Forgotten Queen.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, nor do I own the original idea for this story. All rights for the characters go to the magnificent J. K. Rowling and the original idea belongs to CharmedMilliE-Karry Master.

Note: This story has been rewritten because I didn't think it was really up to my standards and I honestly forgot half of the subplots I was supposed to be adding into this story so I'm rewriting it all.

Elysian's Theme Song: You Should See Me In A Crown, Billie Ellis

Chapter Four: The Potions Master.

"There, look."


"Next to Heir Malfoy and Heiress Greengrass."

"With the auburn-hair?"

"Did you see her face?"

"Did you hear her name?"

Whispering was all Elysian could hear when she and Daphne entered the common room that morning. People stared at her, like she was a freak, then turned away the moment she caught their gaze. It seemed people had finally gotten over the shock of discovering their 'saviour' had a sister and were now wondering why such a paragon of Gryffindor was in Slytherin. They sent her suspicious and accusing looks, trying to see if she would suddenly crack and say she had tricked the sorting hat on order to spy on for her family. It irked her.

"You can't really blame them for staring," said Draco when Elysian glared at one of the on-lookers. "You are a Potter, after all."

"Draco does have a point," said Daphne quietly.

"I understand their fear but how can I prove to them that I'm not secretly here for my –" she shivered, "brother?"

"A vow would do," said Daphne.

"A vow?" Elysian gaped. "Oh my Merlin... I can' t believe I'm having to do this." Elysian stood up on the table, gaining the attention of every Slytherin in the room as well as Professor Snape who had just entered. "Listen up! I've been reliably informed that everyone in this common room currently believes that I am a lion in snakes scales and I am about to dispel this unpleasant rumour! I, Elysian Lillian Potter, do hereby swear upon my magic and my life that I am in Slytherin purely because it is where I belong and not because I coerced the hat or an in league with the Headmaster, so mote it be."

Everyone stared at her in shock at the power behind the vow. Elysian smirked and waved her wand, casting a silent Lumos, and enjoyed seeing everyone's acceptance as the light came out.


The common room nodded in agreement and soon returned to their normal activities.

"An excellent demonstration of solving a problem without the help of others," said Professor Snape, gliding into the centre of the room just as Elysian hopped off the table.

Everyone's eyes were immediately set upon the Professor as his black eyes glided over everyone's faces. He stopped for a moment at Elysian, Draco and Daphne before continuing and opening his mouth to speak, saying, "this is the way all Slytherins should handle their problems within the house. Inside the common room."

No one spoke.

"Now, since I am here... Heiress Potter, I shall see you first."

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