Chapter Forty-Three: The Second Task.

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Elysian Potter: The Forgotten Queen.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, nor do I own the original idea for this story. All rights for the characters go to the magnificent J. K. Rowling and the original idea belongs to CharmedMilliE-Karry Master.

Elysian's Theme Song: You Should See Me In A Crown, Billie Eilish– Castle, Hasley – The Devil Within, Digital Daggers – Don't Make Me, MALINDA – Doll House, Melanie Martinez – Prom Queen, Molly Kate Kestner – Everybody's Fool, Evanescence.

Chapter Forty-Three: The Second Task.

The backlash Harry and Elysian received for the Yule Ball was non-existent. Rita Skeeter had written a beautiful article about the entire event and made sure that both Elysian and Harry had a picture together on the front page of the article. James and Lily – and Dumbledore – had been incensed at the idea but didn't dare comment on it to either Harry or anyone else, lest they be caught out by Rita who had managed to do so just a night before.

Slytherin had been in tears over the article that breakfast until Dumbledore had ordered all papers be put away. Dobby had managed to grab one for Elysian from Sirius and dropped it off in the common room for them all to read again.

Disgraced Hero's Falling Further Into the Dark

By Rita Skeeter.

On the night of the Traditional Yule Ball, which took place at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry, it was discovered that once beloved James and Lily Potter had once again fallen further from grace. I discovered, my dear readers, that these people – the ones who have been raising our saviour – have been attempting to get around Lady Magic herself in order to regain custody of Lady Elysian Lillian Potter-Black.

For those who don't remember, the Potters lost custody of their daughter after the formal pardon of Lord Sirius Orin Black. The reason for this? Neglect and Abuse. Lord Sirius Orin Black called upon Magics judgment and was rewarded with the custody of his Goddaughter.

You may all now be thinking 'How could they possibly get around Lady Magic?' Well, my dear readers, according to Wizarding Law, if it can be proven that the newest custodian has tainted the relationship between siblings, Lady Magics judgement can be reversed as it would have been made in bad faith. The Potters were planning on showcasing the 'bad' relationship between Harry James Potter and Elysian Lillian Potter-Black.

However, as this picture from the Yule Ball can show you all –

There was a magnificent picture of Harry spinning Elysian around, smiling and laughing as if it was the greatest day of their lives.

- There is no hate between them. If anything, this picture shows how two siblings should be interacting.

Now I managed to speak with Heiress Potter-Black and she informed me that she had never hated her brother and that there was no bad blood between them whatsoever.

So, my dear readers, were the Potters planning to lie? Were they planning to use dark magic in order to gain Heiress Potter-Black? Why would they do such a thing? Needless to say, I will find the answers.

Harry had, of course, been upset it wasn't because of the article: Ronald had been yelling at him all throughout breakfast about ruining the family plan. It had gotten on the nerves of everyone nearby and soon Dumbledore had called Ronald up to his office, if only to keep him quiet about it in case Rita was nearby.

Amelia Bones had been forced to come into the school a week before the second task in order to speak to the Potters about it and make sure there wasn't any truth in Lily and James' accusations. She left rather miffed but happy that nothing James and Lily had no legs to stand on.


"Miss Potter," said Professor Snape, after one of her potions classes, "I need to speak with you."

Instantly, Elysian stopped, ushering her friends forward, and turned to face her Head of House. His face was grim and it looked like he had swallowed one of Dumbledore's lemon drops. She knew something was incredibly wrong and sighed, sitting down and waiting for him to speak.

"It would appear, that you are required for the second task."


"Yes. The champions must retrieve something they shall 'sorely miss' from the bottom of the Black Lake. You are to be Potter's prize. I am to take you to the Headmaster's office where you shall be placed into a trance and placed at the bottom of the lake."

"Can I refuse?"

"You're meant to be able to, however, we both know that Dumbledore won't allow it."


"I'm afraid so."


Elysian gasped as her head broke the surface of the water. Hermione and Viktor were swimming slightly behind her – Viktor's head finally becoming human again – and quickly grabbed her arms, pulling her towards the loading dock where Madam Pomfrey was waiting for them. People were cheering and screaming as the trip were pulled onto the dock and towels were given to them.

"Where's Harry?" asked Hermione, looking for her friend in concern.

"I thought he'd be right behind me," said Viktor.

Standing up, Elysian ran towards the end of the dock and looked for her brother with Hermione following behind her. Hermione knew that she wasn't truly concerned for Harry's safety and was mostly doing this to 'keep up appearances' like Elysian and Draco had taught her to, but Elysian was genuinely concerned and looked ready to jump into the water and find him herself if she needed to.

Just when Elysian was getting ready to jump, Harry's head broke the surface followed by a young blonde girl. Fleur rushed to stand beside Elysian and Hermione, holding her arms out for the young girl to take as Elysian and Hermione pulled Harry up and threw their towels around him.

"Don't ever do that to me again!" cried Elysian, slapping the back of his head. "I was so worried!"

Dumbledore and the Potters came rushing out to get Harry but were stopped as reporters took picture of the siblings together. Elysian was quickly led towards her Head of House and back to her common room, she didn't really pay attention to anything else. She quickly split off from her friends and decided to take her own path.

As Elysian was passing by the classroom James, Lily and Dumbledore had dragged Harry into – after the task was over and the reporters were gone. She stopped, sliding against the wall, and listened:

"I thought getting close to her would help!" Harry's voice called.

"Explain!" Lily's voice ordered softly.

"Well, if we were close then I could convince her to come back to the family, like you wanted. Then I could convince her to help spy on the Slytherins and stuff... like you all wanted."

Instantly, her heart froze and rage clouded her mind. Harry was using her! He was working with Lily and James.

How was it that Harry had managed to worm his way into her heart? How was it that after years of abuse she had managed to forgive him, if only slightly? How? Why? How? Why would he betray her? She thought they were bonding?


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