Chapter Ten: Dobby's Warning

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Elysian Potter: The Forgotten Queen

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, nor do I own the Original Idea for this story. All rights for the characters go to the magnificent J. K. Rowling and the Original idea for the fiction belongs to CharmedMilliE-Karry Master.

Elysian's Theme Song: Castle – Hasley

Chapter Ten: Dobby's warning

Elysian was sitting in her bedroom, staring up at the ceiling in a manner easily similar to the day she had gotten her Hogwarts letter. Below her Lily and James were ordering house elves to decorate the dining-room for the feat they were holding in honour of Dumbledore. Lily had practically ordered her to remain in her room for the entire event – Elysian assumed she'd given up on convincing her to join them – and she had barely left her room for more than a few seconds for the entire day.

The floo bell rang letting Elysian know that Dumbledore had arrived, and she had to physically hold down the bile that rose up to her throat as she listened to Lily and James fawn over him. Tiana popped into her room and placed a silver tray – the only silver tray in the house as the rest were made out of gold – down on her desk before popping away to help cook the feast. The tray was full of different cakes and pastries, each one decorated with little green or silver buttercream.

Ares purred as she stroked his ear while she gazed into the blood-coloured stone she had stolen a few weeks before. The philosopher's stone was glowing with raw power that even a muggle would be able to sense. Elysian's desk was covered in books about the uses of this powerful object and each one was left open on a specific page: a restoration potion. She had been hoping to find the recipe for the potion but there had been nothing and Elysian was debating whether or not to connect Nicholas Flammel and ask for it.

"What do you think, Ares?" said Elysian, scratching the top of his head with a soft smile, "should I contact him or try and find it myself?"

The panther chuffed and Elysian nodded: "Yeah, I'm gonna contact him."

She put quill to parchment and soon had a lengthy letter – with photos attached – to Nicholas Flammel. Of course, she had no way of sending the letter as Tiana was busy and the owlery was on the other side of the dining room and she wasn't willing to risk coming face to face with Dumbledore just yet. Especially when she was carrying proof of her involvement in the loss of the philosopher's stone.

She resigned herself to simply wait until the morning. It did hurt her to not be able to get the restoration potion as quickly as possible, but she couldn't risk Dumbledore finding out before she even had the chance to find out if it was possible. She pushed herself away from the desk, and letter, and turned to collapse on her bed.

The trouble was, there was already someone sitting on it.

Elysian managed not to shout out, but it was a close thing. The little creature on the bed had large, bat-like ears and bulging green eyes the size of tennis balls. Elysian realised quickly that this was a house-elf but it wasn't one that served the Potter family: it was wearing a pillowcase instead of the Potter uniform.

The house-elf slipped off the bed and bowed so low that the end of its long thin nose touched the carpet.

"Hello," said Elysian, keeping her voice low and quiet.

"Elysian Potter!" said the elf, in a high-pitched Elysian, was sure would be ignored by the occupants downstairs. "So long has Dobby wanted to meet you, Miss ... Such an honour it is ..."

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