Chapter Twenty-Nine: Of Snakes and Lions.

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Elysian Potter: The Forgotten Queen.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, nor do I own the original idea for this story. All rights for the characters go to the magnificent J. K. Rowling and the original idea belongs to CharmedMilliE-Karry Master.

Elysian's Theme Song: You Should See Me In A Crown, Billie Ellis – Castle, Hasley – The Devil Within, Digital Daggers

Chapter Twenty-Nine: Of Snakes and Lions.

Elysian had just managed to change into her pyjamas as Professor Snape returned and motioned for her to follow him. Schooling her expression, Elysian made sure to make it seem as if she'd just woken up as she was ushered down the corridors towards the Great Hall were Sirius was waiting in cuffs.

James and Lily were holding Harry 'protectively' behind them as they glared at Sirius, who was in magic suppressing chains. Remus wasn't looking at anyone and was doing his best to hide his tears from Dumbledore and Fudge. Lucius was also present, sending Elysian a secretive smirk – he had been informed of what she planned before she ever spoke to Sirius about it – and was standing beside Fudge.

"Now that the youngest Potter is awake, we may begin," said Dumbledore, with a grandfatherly twinkle.

Snape kept her by his side, much to the annoyance of James and Lily who wanted to seem like a supportive family. Sirius looked at her with a soft expression and gave her a slight nod as Cornelius began to speak.

"Yeah, indeed. Sirius Black, you are hereby sentenced to the Dementor's Kiss for crimes against the Wizarding World and for being a Death Eater!"

A Dementor slowly floating into the room and everyone shivered as the temperature plummeted. Sirius watched it approached and Elysian almost thought he was going to allow this to happen when he opened his mouth and yelled at the top of his lungs: "I plead for Sanctuary under the Gryffindor Name!"

The Dementor froze. Cornelius paled. Lily practically hissed in rage. James just shook his head. Harry watched on in confusion. Remus and Snape shared a secretive grin and Lucius was just trying not to laugh.

A golden light surrounded Sirius and the cuffs on his wrists disintegrated. On his forearm – where the Dark Mark was supposedly hidden – was a Griffin that glowed and displayed magic's acceptance of the cry for Sanctuary.

Dumbledore was enraged. Smoke was practically billowing out of his ears as he stared at the mark on Sirius' skin. His rage only increased when an owl entered the Great Hall and dropped a letter into Lucius' awaiting hands. Everyone held their breath upon seeing the Slytherin seal shinning on the centre of the letter, which Lucius then broke so he could read it.

"Well... what does it say?" asked Cornelius, his voice whimpering.

The politician was terrified that he had somehow managed to anger two of the most powerful families in the entire Wizarding World. He knew he shouldn't have listened to Dumbledore but he hadn't had a choice as Sirius Black had needed to be stopped. Or so he thought.

My Lords and Ladies

It has come to my attention that one, Sirius Black, has been illegally imprisoned within Azkaban without a trial. If my timing is correct, then this letter should have arrived right after my dear friend had accepted Lord Black's plea for Sanctuary. As such I would highly request a trial for one Lord Black lest you wish to create an enemy from houses Slytherin and Gryffindor.

Let this be a lesson! Only the guilty are to be punished Cornelius Fudge, please correct the mistakes of your predecessors.


Lady Slytherin.

Lucius was internally jumping for joy at how Elysian had made the letter seem as if it had come from someone completely different. No one would ever guess that Lady Slytherin and Heiress Gryffindor were one in the same person. He had to admire her planning ability; now that she was on their side, he knew that Dumbledore wouldn't know what hit him.

Cornelius was bumbling and humming as he looked between Lucius, Dumbledore and the letter. The moment his eyes connected with those of the seal his mind was instantly made up and he escorted Sirius through the floo towards the Ministry so that he could have a trial. Lucius followed after him, still holding the letter which Dumbledore had tried to grab and sent a wink at Snape and Elysian as he disappeared into the flames.

Once the Ministry officials had gone, Dumbledore called the three Potters up to his office while Elysian was escorted back to her dorm by Snape and Remus. No one spoke but their mutual happiness was clear – Snape had released his grudge on Sirius and Remus a long time ago after realising that they were only following James' lead. Elysian bid both men goodbye and returned to her room where another owl was waiting for her.

The owl padded towards her and gently deposited the letter in her palm before flying off into the night.

Dear Elysian,

My apologies for not being able to speak to you sooner, Albus Dumbledore has been trying to convince us to give him another stone and both myself and Penelope have been hiding all of our stones so that he cannot get to them.

Regarding the healing potion you mention in your letter, I am afraid that I cannot send you're the recipe. It isn't because I don't trust you it is simply because I don't wish for anyone to know you have such a powerful object within your possession. I will, however, make the potion for you and I will administer it to your friend's parents myself to make sure they will be healed.

Perhaps if we were to meet in person then I would be able to give you my books but until that time, I do not feel comfortable giving you my books in case you are discovered.


Nicholas Flammel.

Elysian was glowing as she put the letter down and danced around her dorm. First Sirius gets a trial and now Neville's parents have a chance at being healed! Today couldn't get any better.


Note: Hi everyone, I actually have a question for my readers.

Some of my friends and family have suggested that I make a patreon for my writing. On it, I would post not only my original content but also early chapters for my fanfictions. So far this is the list of everything I'm thinking of putting on my patreon if I make one.

1) My chapters for both fanfiction and my original works

2) My plans for how I create my books and fanfictions.

3) Any spoilers for any series I'm working on.

4) Any advice anyone wanted to ask me and my own tips and tricks for writing.

If this is something anyone would be interested in, I'll create it but if not then I'll continue as I have been.

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