Chapter Fifty-Seven: Professor Umbridge.

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Elysian Potter: The Forgotten Queen.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, nor do I own the original idea for this story. All rights for the characters go to the magnificent J. K. Rowling and the original idea belongs to CharmedMilliE-Karry Master.

Elysian's Theme Song: You Should See Me In A Crown, Billie Eilish– Castle, Hasley – The Devil Within, Digital Daggers – Don't Make Me, MALINDA – Doll House, Melanie Martinez – Prom Queen, Molly Kate Kestner – Everybody's Fool, Evanescence – Control, Hasley.

Empire by Beth Crowley

Chapter Fifty-Seven: Professor Umbridge.

Professor Snape was rather relieved when he discovered a potion that could do exactly what Daphne had asked for. It was actually rather simple to make, though it couldn't be done in bulk and it had a limited shelf-life. He had been quick to distribute it to everyone in Slytherin before Elysian had woken.

When Elysian got up that morning, she expected to be slapped in the face with the emotions of all those around her and was shocked when there was no such thing. Daphne, Tracy and Pansy had been in her room that morning to make sure she was alright and she had felt nothing from them.

"What did you do?"


"I'm not feeling your emotions, any of yours. What did you do? And how do I thank you for saving my last shred of sanity?"

"Professor Snape found a potion that could dampen our emotions until you've got shields," explained Daphne. "Everyone in Slytherin took it – even the younger ones – so you shouldn't feel us at all."

Elysian grinned, pulling all three girls into a tight hug before getting ready. Like usual, Pansy did Elysian's hair, Daphne picked out her best robes – it was best to make a good impression with new teachers, even if she had already met Umbridge – and Tracy did her make-up. All the while, the quartet gossiped about different boys and classes and, especially, Umbridge.

"I mean, who wears that much pink!" scoffed Pansy. "I know I love pink but it's dark! And fashionable! She looks like a pigmy puff."


"Why do we have to cuddle up to her, anyway?" asked Tracy.

"Because she's part of the Ministry and she's ruthless enough to make our lives miserable. Luckily, she's a Blood Purist and a Slytherin Alumni, which means she should be more receiving of our ideas."

Once they all agreed on outfits and had finished their gossip session, the girls exited Elysian's room and headed down where the boys were waiting to take them to Lunch.

Draco was rather proud of how well the first-years were listening as he explained things to them. Each first-year had a map which was basically a copy of the Marauder's Map without the magic that went into it. Elysian had made them over the holiday and had sent them to Draco the moment he had confirmed that he was a Prefect.

"Good morning, ladies," said Draco, grinning.

"Morning Draco," the girls greeted.

The first-years were quick to flock to Pansy as she began explaining something else, letting Draco flop down in a chair for a second. Elysian giggled at his antics and patted his head with a soft smile.

"Breakfast is in a few minutes," said Daphne, "we should probably get moving."


"Have you heard what's being said about Potter?" said Pansy, leading a gaggle of first-years behind her. "They're calling him a lunatic for saying things about The Dark Lord being back."

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