Chapter Fifty-Two: The Noble and Most Ancient Houses of Potter and Black.

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Elysian Potter: The Forgotten Queen.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, nor do I own the original idea for this story. All rights for the characters go to the magnificent J. K. Rowling and the original idea belongs to CharmedMilliE-Karry Master.

Elysian's Theme Song: You Should See Me In A Crown, Billie Eilish– Castle, Hasley – The Devil Within, Digital Daggers – Don't Make Me, MALINDA – Doll House, Melanie Martinez – Prom Queen, Molly Kate Kestner – Everybody's Fool, Evanescence – Control, Hasley.

Chapter Fifty-Two: The Noble and Most Ancient Houses of Potter and Black.

Everyone was tense when a Malfoy owl landed on the kitchen table that morning at breakfast. Sirius had been quick to explain that since Narcissa was a Black, the fidelius charm allowed her to get letters to either him or Elysian, without knowing the address. It was a lie: Elysian had actually already informed Voldemort and the Malfoy family of the location of the base of the Order of the Phoenix.

It landed in front of Elysian with the regal aura that was to be expected from anyone in the service of the House of Malfoy. The pure black owl raised its leg for Elysian to accept the letter, happily accepting the toast Elysian had handed it, before it took into the air and flew out the way it came.

"You're still in contact with the Malfoy family?" asked Harry, curiously.

His tone wasn't accusing – which Elysian was happy for – instead it was entirely inquisitive.

"Of course. If I suddenly cut contact with one of my best friends, it would be a bit suspicious, wouldn't you think? Besides, the best way to know thy enemy, is to cavort with the enemy," said Elysian, breaking the dark green wax seal and pulling out the letter within.

Harry nodded in understand and continued eating his eggs, totally missing the outraged look Molly was sending both him and Elysian. Meanwhile, Sirius was sitting at the head of the table – his face hidden behind the Prophet – with a childish grin on his face.

"Well, what does it say?" Molly asked, rather rudely – though Elysian didn't comment as such.

"Narcissa is inviting me to another ball, to celebrate the new term," said Elysian, calmly. "I'll go grab some parchment so I can tell her it's fine."

"What?" shrieked Molly. "You can't go!"

"If I don't then they'll become suspicious. Besides I only require my guardians consent and that's Sirius, not you."

Molly gaped like a fish and scurried out of the room, thoroughly embarrassed. Harry couldn't stop himself from snickering, though he did his best to hide it behind a cough, as he grabbed some toast and patted her shoulder.

"Are they going to pick you up here?" asked Remus, the voice of reason.

"Of course not," said Elysian with an unladylike snort. "I'll go to them. Narcissa knows we're in 'hiding' from the Order and wouldn't dare risk our safety by coming to get me."

Leaving the kitchen, Elysian strode up to her bedroom and quickly wrote a reply to Narcissa with a Cheshire grin on her face. Once the owl had flown off, she moved to pick out her three best dresses – she was already wearing her best dress because she knew that it would drive Molly mad.

Once it was time for her to leave, she was quick to hug Sirius and Harry goodbye, winking secretly at Hermione, before using the floo network to arrive at Malfoy manor.


Upon arriving at Malfoy Manor, Elysian was immediately confronted by a well groomed Narcissa and Lucius and a familiar goblin. Elysian immediately knew that this was going to be a bad meeting, though she held out hope that it was bad for the right reasons.

"It would appear that you can now become Lady Potter, completely legally," said Griphook, handing over the file with the Potter crest on it.

"How? The title is supposed to go to the first born."

Griphook didn't respond and instead set the Will orb rolling.

I, James Fleamont Potter, do hereby decree that, with sound mind and body, this is my last will and testament.

To my youngest child, I leave the title of Lady Potter. Now usually the title would go to Harry but since he isn't going to survive the war, the house of Potter needs a back up and since Lily is now pregnant, the Slytherin one shouldn't be able to inherit the title at all. With the title comes everything in the Potter name, excluding the trust vaults until the original owners die, you now have access to every house in the Potter name. Don't worry, Dumbledore will instruct you in all the ways a Light Family should act.

To my oldest son, I leave fifteen-hundred galleons. Find yourself a lovely wife – since Ginny's out of the picture – and have some kids before the war truly begins, alright? That way your life wouldn't have been a complete waste to the Potter legacy.

To my middle child, I leave the Gryffindor Diadem, enjoy the fact that you're a traitor to the family and everything we stand for.

The orb stopped and Elysian was practically red with rage. She held it in, however, and took her time examining all the facts. She was now lady Potter and had the authority in the Wizmagots! She now had control of the Potter and Black seats as well as the Gryffindor and Slytherin seats! James Potter hadn't just made her head of the Potter family, he had made her head of the Gryffindor family, too. SHE WAS LADY GRYFFINDOR.

"Where do I have to sign?" asked Elysian.

Griphook handed her the parchment as well as the rings for the house of Potter and Gryffindor.

"With two ancient founders houses under your belt, you're practically the Queen of the Wizmagots," said Lucius when she told him everything. "The Dark factions can practically do whatever we want now."

"Well, that was always the plan," said Elysian, settling into the chair on the right of Tom. "I simply hadn't planned for it to come to fruition this soon."


Note: Thank you to everyone who has been patient with my updates. A while ago I discovered at one of my cousins had gone into hospital with a collapsed lung and had caught a certain disease will in the hospital. This is the reason I haven't and still won't be updating like I used to.

Now I understand some of you wanted me to update and stuff but you also need to understand that spamming things like 'Please Update' or 'When is the next update' is really grating on me. I write for the fun of it and if people begin demanding updates it starts to feel more like a job then something I enjoy.

Don't stop commenting though! I never want that to happen, just make sure you watch what you're saying. What may seem harmless when you type it, isn't always received that way, especially when you can't pinpoint a tone. I counter this by using emojis but you counter it however you feel like.

Thank you for enjoying this story and staying loyal to it and I hope to keep the thrills alive.

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