Chapter Twelve: Poor Whomping Willow.

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Elysian Potter: The Forgotten Queen.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, nor do I own the original idea for this story. All rights for the characters go to the magnificent J. K. Rowling and the original idea belongs to CharmedMilliE-Karry Master.

Note: I'M BACK! And I've changed up my style slightly.

This Chapter is dedicated to A Harry Potter Nerd/Heidi5360 who has generously offered to make a trailer for this book which I will link the moment it is published on Youtube. I hope your all going to support the video and give them all of the love they deserve for doing such an amazing thing for me and this story.

Elysian's Theme Song: You Should See Me In A Crown, Billie Ellis – Castle, Hasley

Chapter Twelve: Poor Whomping Willow.

The end of the summer holidays came too slowly for Elysian's liking. She had been locked in her room for the rest of the summer and had even taken to hiding food in her room so that she didn't have to eat anything her parents tried to feed her, she couldn't wait till she returned to Hogwarts. Her parents had even tried to threaten her with the prospect of living with her aunt and uncle for a while but that didn't really scare Elysian, she knew how to manipulate her aunt and uncle to make them do whatever she wanted, besides Aunt Petunia was actually very nice to Elysian: Petunia felt bad about how she treated Lily and was trying to make up for it by pampering Elysian as much as she could since the two looked so alike.

On the last evening of Elysian's imprisonment, her parents allowed her to exit her room where she was promptly met with the Weasley family as well as her brother and Hermione, a welcome surprise, all of whom wished to speak with her and began pulling her towards the table. Mrs Weasley was trying to force her to eat some of the cake she had made but Elysian knew better than to do so – thanks to the books Professor Snape had given her, Elysian had managed to build up some mental shielding and because of this she had unlocked the power of misdirection; the power of misdirection was a natural power very powerful witches and wizards commanded, it allowed a witch to sense spells, potions, wards and magical creature powers and direct them away from themselves towards a better target – as she could tell the cake had been laced with loyalty potions and spells. Harry had then tried to drag her away and had tried to give her a necklace enchanted with compulsion charms, she again had refused, before finally being pulled away by Hermione who filled her in on her family's plans.

It turned out that her parents were trying to get her betrothed to Ronald Weasley without her consent or knowledge, this was once practised a few years before Harry and Elysian's tenth birthday but became illegal afterwards, the law now stated at a witch could be entered into a betrothal contract with her consent and it would only be legal as long as the witch or wizard was happy with the agreement. Hermione had begun crying after that stating that she didn't want her only friend to have this forced upon her but Elysian easily calmed her down before they joined the main group once more.

"So Elysian..." Molly began. She grabbed Elysian by the arms and pulled her into the kitchen. "What do you think of my son Ronald?"

"He's a fine young man," Elysian answered forging ignorance as she stared at the other woman in front of her.

"And would make a very good husband," Molly prodded.

"I imagine he would," Elysian agreed. "For the right girl."

"So, do you like him?"

"Oh no, Mrs Weasley!" Elysian gasped. "I could never, he's my brother's best friend and I would never betray Harry like that." The words felt like they were burning her mouth.

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