Chapter Twenty-Nine: A New Home

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Elysian Potter: The Forgotten Queen.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, nor do I own the original idea for this story. All rights for the characters go to the magnificent J. K. Rowling and the original idea belongs to CharmedMilliE-Karry Master.

Note: For those reading on, the previous chapters have all been updated and changed so you may want to go back and reread the old chapters otherwise you'll be very confused.

Elysian's Theme Song: You Should See Me In A Crown, Billie Ellis – Castle, Hasley – The Devil Within, Digital Daggers – Don't Make Me, MALINDA

Chapter Twenty-Nine: A New Home

The Potters had to be present for the trial, or that was what Dumbledore had said when he arrived at Potter Manor the day after the break had begun. He was really putting it on thick: his eyes were twinkling; his grandfatherly act was working full force; his robes had been toned down and were all in soothing colours and he was smiling with way too many teeth to be natural. The Potters had to be present for the trial so they could pretend that it was James who had called this trial under the name Heir Gryffindor. It was a rather ingenious move.

One problem: Elysian had already sent a letter to Cornelius Fudge and Madam Bones – as Heiress Gryffindor – and informed that not only was she definitely a girl, she was also not a Potter. It was technically the truth as the Slytherin name outranked her Potter name so in any papers she signed, she had to sign them as Lady Elysian Potter-Slytherin for them to be legal. Made things easier when it came to signing things her family gave to her.

So yes, Dumbledore was the reason Elysian was sitting beside Lily and Harry in the over-crowded Wizmagots chamber while her Uncle/Godfather was sat in a chair in the centre of the room. Everyone was sure of his guilt, especially a woman in a pink cardigan so atrocious that even Dumbledore would call it too much. There was also a lot of whispering about the identity of Lady Slytherin and Heiress Gryffindor, people were constantly wondering why either of the founders would help a Death Eater.

Looking up, Elysian smirked as she saw Lucius – looking as superior as ever – sitting in the massive throne that was reserved for the Slytherin Lord/Lady. He sent her a secretive wink and turned to look towards Dumbledore, who was seething with every lookup as it seemed he had realised that he wouldn't be able to sit up there any time soon.

Cornelius stood up, his wand at his throat so that everyone could hear him, and Elysian immediately noticed a tiny beetle fluttering onto her shoulder. She knew this was Rita Skeeter, Narcissa and Lady Zabini had informed all of the children about the nosy reporter who was an illegal Animagus, and decided to allow miss Skeeter to hear everything her family was about to say when the truth was revealed. After all, what's bad for them is great for her.

"Esteemed Members of the Wizmagots! We are here today to give Lord Sirius Black the trial he had been denied those twelve years ago!" Cornelius was pale as a sheet as he spoke. "We will begin with Veritisirum, as protocol dictates, and move on from there!"

Sirius was practically glowing as Madam Bones administered the potion. His face then became very calm and Madam Bones placed the charm on him before stepping back to her podium so she could ask the questions. Dumbledore was very pale – he had managed to grab a glance at the questions on the sheet and was dreading the answers – and that meant both James and Lily were worried too – they did, after all, go along with everything Dumbledore had said without questioning the consequences.

"What is your name?" asked Madam Bones.

It was the usual control question.

"Lord Sirius Orin Black," his tone was completely flat and monotone.

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